Own Your Shit with Danielle Gertner

#4 Own Your Joy with my FIRST GUEST (and BSSF (best soul sister friend) Sarah Gaines)

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In this special episode, I bring on my soul sister/twin flame (I think that's what the kids are saying these days), Sarah Joy Gaines. I could probably write an essay that you probably won't entirely read about how much I love her and why but I think I will have you just listen to our conversation to get a small glimpse of the magic that exists between (and within) us.

We dive in to our friendship - and not just the rainbow-y, romantic parts about how we met on IG and have been best friends ever since.

We dive in to the jealousy and self doubt that has surfaced between us, the difficult conversations and the power of coming back to love and to each other. 

Want more of Sarah? <- The answer to that question is FUCK YES! You can connect with her on Instagram @sarahjgaines. You can also catch us together dancing around as the Wellness Fairies for the Elements Music Festival and I'm sure many other ways to come very soon. 

I can't thank you enough for choosing to spend some of your time and energy with me today. If you found this episode valuable, please do me a favor and leave a review + share this with your friends, family and community! Imagine a world where everyone truly owned their shit + lived with radical confidence. You can help me make that happen just by passing this along!

Down to be best friends? Connect with me on Instagram (@daniellegertner), subscribe to my newsletter at daniellegertner.com or shoot me an email at [email protected].

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Own Your Shit with Danielle GertnerBy Danielle Gertner

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