Verses: III.6, II.8, I.11, I.9. This discourse was given on July 30, 2019 at the Lake Tahoe Retreat run by the Vedanta Society of Northern California by Swami Tattwamayananda.
-Ananda: attaining what ought to have been attained; having done what ought to have been done.
-Ananda: the science of inner bliss.
-The enjoyment of good health and wealth is very small in comparison to the enjoyment of transcendental bliss.
-Transcendental bliss allows spiritual seekers like Prahlada and the Russian pilgrim in the Way of the Pilgrim to see every day as a holy day and handle all difficulties in the world.
-Lesson I.11 is a convocation address for students who are to begin living with these transcendental ideas in life. (1) Imbibe what is good from your teachers (2) Respect and serve those who are even more exalted than your teachers (3) Preserve the tradition so that you are spiritually and culturally enriched. (4) Your actions towards your elders are a sacred act.
-Lesson I.9 explains that we most always hold to Rtam, doing what which ought to be done and distinguishing between right and wrong. This Rtam preserves the whole universe.
-Dharma is this Rtam in practice: it protects and sustains the universe.
-Satyam is the philosophical dimension of rtam.
-Tapas is intense concentration on your ideal, without which nothing can be achieved.
-Svadhyaya and Pravacana are learning the scriptures and transmitting the scriptures.
-Sama and Dama is self-restraint, which turns our mind into our tranquil friend, rather than our enemy.
-The guest must be honored. A guest is one who comes to your home without prior notice or invitation.