重點單字&逐字稿 (Words&Transcript)https://buymeacoffee.com/zhongwenhaobang/posts
💛If you enjoy my channel, please consider giving it a star on Spotify or leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. This helps more people discover the podcast and share it with others. 要收聽最新的Podcast記得點點追蹤喔。
2.從Dcard觀察年輕世代消費力 年收百萬一族最愛用「它」掌握投資趨勢
投資 (Tóuzī) | Investment | 投資買股票 (Mǎi gǔpiào) | Buy stocks | 株を買う總人口 (Zǒng rénkǒu) | Total population | 人口総数股票帳戶 (Gǔpiào zhànghù) | Stock account | 株式口座賺錢 (Zhuàn qián) | Earn money | お金を稼ぐETF (ETF) | Exchange-Traded Fund | 上場投資信託投資標的 (Tóuzī biāodì) | Investment target | 投資対象大盤 (Dàpán) | Market index | 市場指数擔心東擔心西 (Dānxīn dōng dānxīn xī) | Worrying about this and that | あれこれ心配する股利 (Gǔlì) | Dividend | 配当金股票股利 (Gǔpiào gǔlì) | Stock dividend | 株式配当現金股利 (Xiànjīn gǔlì) | Cash dividend | 現金配当定存利息 (Dìngcún lìxī) | Fixed deposit interest | 定期預金金利賠錢 (Péi qián) | Lose money | 損をする證券公司 (Zhèngquàn gōngsī) | Securities company | 証券会社一張股票是一千股 (Yī zhāng gǔpiào shì yī qiān gǔ) | One share of stock is one thousand shares |1整股=1000株です。
賺價差 (Zhuàn jiàchā) | Make the price difference | 価格差益を得る殖利率 (Zhí lì lǜ) | Dividend yield | 配当利回り調查資料 (Diàochá zīliào) | Investigative materials | 調査資料社群網站 (Shèqún wǎngzhàn) | Social networking site | SNSサイト摸索 (Mōsuǒ) | Fumble | 手探りする基金 (Jījīn) | Fund | ファンド💛If you enjoy my channel, please consider giving it a star on Spotify or leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. This helps more people discover the podcast and share it with others. 要收聽最新的Podcast記得點點追蹤喔。