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452 – The Top Ten Travel Destinations for 2023 With Peter Worthing

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Where do people want to travel in 2023? Peter Worthing with Audley Travel explains that Japan and Australia are among the top ten destinations according to Audley Travel’s survey of their clients. In addition to the popular destinations, trains have become a popular mode of travel particularly in Europe, and the Japanese Bullet Train is fascinating as you travel nearly 300 miles per hour between destinations.

Perhaps you have clients who love the destinations that you specialize in but one day one of those clients asks you to put together a trip that is outside of your specialty. What do you do? Audley Travel is there to help you. Audley has over 250 destination specialists to assist you in planning your client’s trip. In today’s show we talk about the top ten destinations and how Audley Travel can help you put together a unique trip that will exceed your clent’s desires.

“What we do at Audley is custom design every single itinerary, they’re never the same twice, for the travel advisor team.”

“Like most decisions we make it’s based on feedback from our clients and our travel advisors. We look at trends. Japan is number one on our list this year.”

“Another top destination for us is Australia. It’s always been a strong seller.” “If you look to Europe, Spain is making a big rebound.”

“Another one that is topping the charts for us is Egypt. We’re seeing more and more people going to Egypt.”

“We did a very unofficial survey this year of our over 250 country specialists and amazingly we figured out that each of them has lived in the destination they sell for an average of two plus years. … And, we invest a lot of money and time every year by sending them back to their destination on a yearly basis. They get to meet the ground handlers, they get to stay in the hotels, they get to meet the guides which is really important. That in depth insider knowledge really sets us apart.”

Links to Items We Talked About in the Show

Audley Travel

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Thank you for listening to the Home Based Travel Agent Podcast. Barry, or the Show, receives no compensation from the guests on our show, or from the companies they represent unless we state otherwise during the show. We invite guests to our show because they offer something of value to the travel trade community. The Home Based Travel Agent Show is funded from the resources of Barry Kantz.

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Welcome to The Home Based Travel Agent ShowBy Barry Kantz and Lorene Romero

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