Learning Experience Leader

46 // Critical Flexibility & the Theory-Practice Divide with Dr. Stephen Yanchar

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Dr. Stephen Yanchar is a professor at Brigham Young University’s Department of Instructional Psychology and Technology. Along with a book, he has authored or co-authored chapters and articles in numerous psychology, learning, and design-related publications. Dr. Yanchar’s research and teaching interests include agency and learning, instructional design in practice, and hermeneutic and phenomenological approaches to qualitative inquiry.

Today we talk about: 

  • What actually is practice? What is theory? and is there really a gap between them?
  • The role of morals and values in design practice 
  • How your questions and methods of inquiry influence projects and investigations
  • Intentional use of theory in practice using critical flexibility

👉 Between Eclecticism and Orthodoxy in Instructional Design (article): 
👉 The Design Way (book)
👉 The Sciences of the Artificial (book): 

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Learning Experience LeaderBy Greg Williams