DIY Recording Guys

48: What is Phase (and How to Deal With it)

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Have you ever tried recording something using two microphones? 

Occasionally you'll find that the sound of each microphone sounds good alone but that the tone changes when they're combined. Where did the low end go? Why does it sound so thin? 

If you've run into this, you may have stumbled onto the infamous "out of phase" issue. 

Don't worry! In this episode, Vadim and Ben explain the concept of phase and how to make sure you get it right in your recordings. They also discuss why getting phase "perfect" may not always be a good thing. 

In this episode you will learn:

  • The basics of phase relationships in audio through real examples
  • The situations in which phase relationships may be a concern
  • Multiple audio and visual techniques for checking phase without buying any special tools
  • How phase relationships can have a negative impact on your recordings
  • About examples of cases when "out of phase" can actually be a good thing
  • To hear the differences between in-phase and out of phase audio files using examples acoustic guitars, drums, electric guitars and bass. 
  • And more!

Where to Find the Guys
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Vadim's Studio Site - Get your FREE test mix today! -
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DIY Recording GuysBy Vadim Kharaz and Benjamin Hull

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