Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast

5. Christian Nyby/Howard Hawks’ The Thing from Another World (1951)

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Welcome to the show notes for the fifth episode of the Loathsome Things Podcast!

In this episode we discourse the original Thing that would later be adapted by John Carpenter to create one of the greatest, if not the greatest, horror movies of all time. The Thing from Another World is a black-and-white classic about soldiers fighting the twin evils of an invasive alien plant-monster and the scientists that wish to study them. If that doesn’t sound like your thing, you might enjoy all the self-congratulatory white people business or the amazing scene were EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE! Watch this movie before you listen to the podcast.


If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us about how much better things were for white people in 1951, share neat trivia, or tell us where we can go melt our ice cubes, you can do so by reaching out to us on

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This episode is brought to you by the US Military. Keeping the world safe from those evil scientists whose fault it was, not ours, since August 6, 1945. Use promo code “I am a Loathsome Thing, sir!” for an extra $30,000 enlistment bonus, which you will never receive.

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Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie PodcastBy loathsomethings

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