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Public speaking, love it or hate it - is something that you can only avoid up to a point as a business owner. As the face of your business, speaking to the public to market your business, network and to let the world know what it is that you offer is really important.
Regardless of if you are comfortable or not speaking in front of audiences, be it on a stage, in a networking space or even on social media in the form of video,this podcast episode with Jaimie Abbott will be inspiring for you!
Key Takeaways
Links mentioned in the show
Join the Ready to Rise Waitlist www.donnahann.com/coursewaitlist
Want to learn more about Donna and the programs available?
Join my free facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/sibwithdonnahann
Website - www.donnahann.com
Ready to Rise course info - www.donnahann.com/rise
Find me on instagram - donnahann_coach
Find me on facebook - @DonnaHannAUS
Public speaking, love it or hate it - is something that you can only avoid up to a point as a business owner. As the face of your business, speaking to the public to market your business, network and to let the world know what it is that you offer is really important.
Regardless of if you are comfortable or not speaking in front of audiences, be it on a stage, in a networking space or even on social media in the form of video,this podcast episode with Jaimie Abbott will be inspiring for you!
Key Takeaways
Links mentioned in the show
Join the Ready to Rise Waitlist www.donnahann.com/coursewaitlist
Want to learn more about Donna and the programs available?
Join my free facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/sibwithdonnahann
Website - www.donnahann.com
Ready to Rise course info - www.donnahann.com/rise
Find me on instagram - donnahann_coach
Find me on facebook - @DonnaHannAUS