Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast

52. Don Siegel’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)

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Cease your philandering ways and listen up, kiddo, for this April we’re putting together a 1-2-3-punch comparison of bodily snatchery starting with the original maybe-Red Scare classic about creepy white people being replaced with even creepier white people in well-to-do 1950s America. Sure, that was one sentence! From the director that brought you Flaming Star and Two Mules for Sister Sara comes this dazzling classic starring the guy Piranha and none other than Dagmar Wynter and her flagrantly stuffed brazier. Hey, wait a minute, you’re not our listeners! Oh well, it would seem you’ve been replaced a la Crapgras Delusion, so you’ve no reason not to tune in to this episode of Loathsome Things: the most patriotic podcast in these United States!

If you would like to recommend a movie, tell us how Becky Driscoll got body sntached, or ask us horror movie-related questions, you can do so by reaching out to us on
Twitter: @LoathsomePod
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The Loathsome Things Official Top 10 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time List

(of those we've reviewed for an episode of Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie Podcast)

(1) Andrzej Żuławski's Possession (1981)

(2) Brian De Palma’s Carrie (1976)
(3) Rose Glass’ Saint Maud (2019)
(4) Bob Clark’s Black Christmas (1974)
(5) George A Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968)
(6) Alex Garland’s Men (2022)
(7) Miike Takashi’s Audition (1999)
(8) Ti West’s X (2022)
(9) Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski's The Void (2016)
(10) Bob Clark’s Deathdream (1974)


Honorable Mentions:

Beyond the Door III (1989) – Not a great horror movie, but so much fun to watch!
The Pit (1981) – Watch this coming-of-age story about seeing boobs and feeding beasts!

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Loathsome Things: A Horror Movie PodcastBy loathsomethings

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