The Sentry Ward

6: Offerings to GabeN & The Rise of EHOME

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In the 6th episode of our podcast:
Cade pops a nice cold La Croix, we discuss the Bucharest Minor & the rise of EHOME, we talk our predictions for the upcoming major, our expectations for True Sight, and more!

Link to the Virtus Pro "We Bare Bears" logo:

New Virtus Pro logo:

Stick around to the end of the show for a new segment: The Post-show! We discuss stuff unrelated to Pro DOTA like emailing GabeN, ambiguous heights, and a new Star Wars movie.

Note: we recorded this before True Sight came out and before No Pangolier changed their name.

Check out our website for our upcoming live streams:

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The Sentry WardBy The Sentry Ward