Learning Experience Leader

61 // Growing Your Career from Designer to Learning Leader with Dr. Cara North

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Dr. Cara North is a learning & Development leader, speaker, and researcher and currently works as the Operations Training Manager at Silfex, inc. Her previous experience includes learning experience design work at Ohio State University and Amazon and President of the Columbus Ohio chapter of ATD.

Today we talk about: 

  • Transitioning from being an individual contributor to a learning leader
  • Tenacity and daily committed learning as key things to help you to the next level 
  • How Cara uses social media and daily habits to cultivate a personal learning environment
  • The three buckets of networking

👉 Nuzzle - social media aggregator 
👉 Feedly - blog post aggregator
👉 Buffer  - social media publisher
👉 Cara’s job ID and resources posting texting number - 614-963-2951
👉 Edtechbooks.org - free open source books, articles, and journals
👉 Journal of Applied Instructional Design (via Edtechbooks.org)
👉 eLearning Heroes Challenge - Articulate

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Learning Experience LeaderBy Greg Williams