This discourse was given on August 3, 2019 at the Lake Tahoe Retreat run by the Vedanta Society of Northern California by Swami Tattwamayananda.
-The Siksha-Valli contains various Upasanas.
-Verse I.9 explains how to interact with all so that we will not disrupt the invisible harmonizing principle.
-Verse I.11 is a convocation address for all graduating students, which teaches how to live life keeping these high ideals in mind.
-When in doubt about conduct, we should consult the wise elders in our community because correct action varies according to place, time, and other factors.
-Verse II.1 explains the nature of Brahman as satyam, existence, jnanam, knowledge, and anantam, infinity.
-Verse II.7 explains that we become established in fearlessness, abhayam, when we are established in Ananda-svarupta, our true blissful nature.
-There is a distinction between Ananda-maya, being full of bliss and Ananda-svarupa, our true nature of bliss.