Sacred Healing 12:30

03_Moses: Whack a Rock

10.28.2019 - By Sonja Corbitt Catholic Bible StudyPlay

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Moses suffered from an inability to control his temper. He killed an Egyptian, smashed the Ten Commandments to bits, and eventually forfeited the Promised Land. Like Moses, our anger may be justified, but our actions often lack self control.

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LOVE the Word® is a Bible study method based on Mary's own practice: lectio without the Latin. Get the book based on her method in the right margin, How to Pray Like Mary.

L - Listen (Receive the Word.)

If you'd rather watch the video, you can do that here. 

O - Observe (Choose one or more of the following personality approaches to connect the passage to your life and recent events.)

F | Franciscan – When you get angry, are you angry against the person rather than the offense?  Do you cherish a desire for revenge?  Do you have a hard time forgiving others?  Do you get angry easily?  Do you have a reputation for losing your temper?  If your answer is yes, then you likely have a problem with your temper.   

I | Ignatian – When you place yourself in this narrative, which of Moses' angry episodes do you identify with most? Are you angry at those you serve, angry at injustice, or angry at experiencing the consequences of your actions?

A | Augustinian –Moses' main difficulty was lack of balance. He was angry at the right things in the wrong ways. He broke the Ten Commandments, written by the finger of God Himself (Ex 32:16), after having spent forty days and nights talking face-to-face with God! When have you left prayer and launched into an angry outburst? 

T | Thomistic – Take a look at this entry on anger. What do you learn about your own anger?

V - Verbalize (Pray about your thoughts and emotions.)

Remembering that He loves you and that you are in His presence, talk to God about the particulars of your O – Observe step. You may want to write your reflections in your LOVE the Word® journal. Or, get a free journal page and guide in the right-hand margin.

E - Entrust (May it be done to me according to your word!)

O Lord, must I fear Your wrath?

Retribution is Yours by right!

May I never dishonour Your Divinity,

My soul seeking to maintain Your love.

Shape my being into earnest kindness,

A reflection of Your perfection.

Grant me the grace of self-control,

That I may not display any anger.

Should I have such an outburst,

Instantly remind me to seek redress,

For such is offensive to You.

Anger is Yours alone to avenge! Amen.+ 


*Find out your prayer temperament with this quiz! LOVE the Word® exercises are offered according to FIAT: the four personalities, or "prayer forms," explored in Prayer and Temperament, by Chester Michael and Marie Norrisey: Franciscan, Ignatian, Augustinian, and Thomistic: FIAT! These prayer forms correspond to the Myers-Briggs personality types.

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You can download a complete, word-for-word transcript here, when it becomes available, courtesy of Dora Donovan who does our transcripts for you.

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