Just Go Play

A Better Way: The New Playbook for Parents to Help your Kids Figure it Out

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In this Just Go Play podcast episode, Daryl Devonish and Taryn Lipschitz speak with Heath Eslinger on: A Better Way: The New Playbook for Parents to help your kids figure it out.

Even though his parents were not very involved in sports themselves, it was critical for Heath and his brother to be involved in sports. Heath enjoyed a great high school and collegiate wrestling career including State Championships and Conference titles.  

Heath attributes his parents for laying a healthy foundation that was intentional and focused on what matters that has provided him the tools to be successful both in sports and in life. 

A pivotal moment in Heath's life was hearing that the longer a kid is in organized sport, the less likely they are to make a good moral decision. It was in that moment that he realized he could either be part of the problem by doing nothing or part of the solution by doing something. 

Through conversations with Eric Phillips, his now business partner, they realized a huge part of the solution would be: Parents. 

They questions they asked themselves, academics, athletes, coaches were:

  • What is the one thing you dread the most in sports?
  • What would it look like to engage parents and have a healthy conversation to help them navigate the sports journey?
  • If sports is an arena for growth, what are you growing? 
  • How do we make the child be successful in life?  

Through asking these questions, they realized one of the biggest truths: As parents, you love your kids and want the best for them. Sometimes, there is a misapplication of love where you love them so much you do things that seem helpful but aren't. 

Through this, they developed A Better Way: The Parent Playbook for a Positive Sport Experience. Focused on engaging parents to maximize your child's athletic journey. This includes letting them struggle and learn how to deal with adversity at every age and stage of life.

Heath outlines the three critical elements the sports system will need to evolve to create a positive sport experience:

  1. Change the scorecard
  2. Intentionally engage parents
  3. Intentionally equip and support coaches 

A Better Way is here to restore the joy of sports for every child. And they can't do it alone.  Let's work together to drive positive experiences.

You can follow A Better Way on Instagram @ABetterWayAthletics, on Twitter at @ABW_Athletics and check out their website for information on the Parent Playbook and how they work with organizations to improve the process.

Follow Just Go Play on Instagram @qualitycoaching to receive coaching insights and information.  

Just Go Play is the resource for parents, teachers, coaches, and athletes to understand how sports will help build skills for life. The mission is to help and encourage kids, parents, and coaches to enjoy sports and participate for life.

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Just Go PlayBy Matthew Young and Daryl Devonish