Harris Creek Baptist Church

A Wise Perspective in Problems

10.31.2021 - By Harris CreekPlay

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When was the last time you had a bad day? What made it a bad day? As we continue our series studying the book of Ecclesiastes, JP teaches through chapter 7, showing us a biblical response to the pain and problems of life. KEY TAKEAWAYS -Do you view life’s problems as something to be avoided or something to embrace and learn from? -Younger people are desperate to learn from older people. -Don’t forget your mortality. You are here for just a moment and then your life will be over. -You get to choose who you learn from. Who are the people you are going to for advice? Just because someone is popular or famous doesn’t mean they are wise. -Learn from pain before you leave it. -When something is uncomfortable God often wants to teach you something. -21st century western culture moves too fast to learn from pain and discomfort. -Sometimes pain will be your best instructor in life. -It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish. Don’t quit after the honeymoon period of something new and fun. -As a follower of Jesus Christ, your hope will always be in front of you. -Money can’t prolong your life but wisdom can. -Be patient in problems before you’re provoked. -There will be moments in your life when you are provoked and you need to prepare for those moments now. Pray that you’d take a deep breath, ask for wisdom, and respond accordingly. -If you need wisdom, go to your GPS: Gather your Group, Persist in Prayer, Search the Scriptures. -You. Are. Not. God. God is God. Let God be God. -There are good days and there are bad days, but they are all God’s days. He is sovereign over all of them. -Surrender to God’s sovereignty in bad situations. -Sometimes it’s good to be small. -Life is a roller coaster. There will be ups and downs. Do your best to enjoy the ride, and don’t question God or rebel or be a fool during the downs. -Without Jesus, everything you do is meaningless. Literally everything. -Sometimes things under the sun are really hard…don’t be quick to avoid or run from them. Let them teach you to turn to God and become more intimate with Him.

MENTIONED OR RECOMMENDED RESOURCES -Suggested Scripture Study: Ecclesiastes 7; Proverbs 12:1; James 1:19; Philippians 3:13-4; 2 Samuel 12:20-23 -Sermon: The Curse and Blessing of Money -Sermon: GPS

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