Becoming Woman (Formerly The Spirit Baby Diaries)

Activate Your TURN ON To Bring Fulfillment to Your Day-to-Day Life

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Your turn on goes beyond the desire to be intimate with someone; it’s the energy that charges your creativity, your pleasure, and your passion in life. We discuss:

* The full meaning behind being turned on

* What being turned on does to our brain

* And Katie shares a practice you can do to connect with your womb and kickstart your life force energy!

The questions to ask your heart that Katie shares in this episode are:

🌀 Is there anything I’ve been avoiding that needs my attention?🌀 Is there something that’s uncomfortable to feel that I NEED to feel?🌀 What can I do to provide nourishment and regulation to my mind and body?We’re going to be using the heart brain AND your womb to jump start your life force energy in the Go Wife Yourself masterclass! Sign up below:

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Becoming Woman (Formerly The Spirit Baby Diaries)By With Katie Williams - Femininity | Family | Fertility

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