Angel Foods Show: Sales + Marketing + Training = Growing Sweet Business

AFS051 - Free Marketing Plan Training: How to Use Vouchers to Get Orders

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In this episode of Angel Foods Show, I have a free Marketing Plan and a marketing strategy. Vouchers. Vouchers are a brilliant marketing strategy. Like a business card got married to a flyer and had a voucher baby. It is an exclusive, limited time (scarce) deal for your potential customers.

If you want to grow your cake business, get more orders and have fully booked out weeks – that requires getting new customers. And vouchers are a great way to do that. Putting together a discount or deal that you can print off and hand out all over the place! We all love a deal, whether it is $5 off, free extra coffee, 50% off, free cupcakes. We are (far more) likely to go to whatever place is offering that deal to claim it. (Even if we have never been there before.)

I personally recommend giving a bonus or extra freebie instead of a discount. While yes, the order will be at lower profit margins, think of the future cake orders and repeat customer service.

If you want to create a voucher yourself, I recommend using Canva or PicMonkey. But to make life (even) easier for you I have put together a voucher PDF for you to print off and use straight away! Over here.

For me, the best voucher that worked is ‘’Receive a pack of 6 cupcakes for free (valued at $25) when you place an order of $50 or more’’. It is the best deal that worked for me and my cake business clients, over and over again!

Ideas for how to use vouchers: print off and have in your purse, hand out like business cards, letterbox drop, put on car windshields, give out samples to offices and shops with vouchers, share on social media + got email subscriber list.

And heads up, this course is only free for this month (July 2017) and then the replays are only available inside Cake Business School

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Angel Foods Show: Sales + Marketing + Training = Growing Sweet BusinessBy Rebekah Allan

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