Angel Foods Show: Sales + Marketing + Training = Growing Sweet Business

AFS071: Special Diets Cake Business (Gluten Free & Lactose Free & Egg Free)

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In this episode of Angel Foods Show, I interview Melanie Brain, a caker from Sunshine Coast, Australia. She specialises and has a niche business of special diets including gluten free, lactose free and egg free. It is an interesting story of how she got started and why she 'choose' that niche. She also shares how she gets her name out there and gets orders and what her business goals are.

The Angel Foods Show is brought to you by the Price. Market. Sell. Go from less than $1,000 to $5,000 per month selling cakes + sweets in 12 months! Get customers. Charge the right price. Make sales. While juggling it all. How to market + get your name out there + price with confidence for profit + how to sell (beating the cheap cake lady + convincing customers of your value + getting the order). Read more + enrol in P.M.S. here -


Show Notes:

  • You can find Melanie's business (here).
  • Melanie get's customers by mainly WOM (word of mouth) and marketing on the Facebook business page (here are 4 Facebook strategies).
  • Melanie also uses Facebook groups to get customers. Here is how to do that
  • Melanie shares her struggles, advice and business plan for the future.
  • Price. Market. Sell. has a 20% off early bird discount (only until the 20 April 2018) and we get started 1 May! There are payment plans and it will never be this price again. Grab your spot here.
  • Also, feel free to join our Facebook group, we would love you to join, it is a highly active group and where all the cool cakers hang out.
  • Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one.
  • Subscribe on iTunesThank you!
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Angel Foods Show: Sales + Marketing + Training = Growing Sweet BusinessBy Rebekah Allan

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