When you hear about Google's workplace, you think "ooooh nap pods and gyms and free lunches", right? Apparently not. 1/5 of all employees around the world walked out on their employer due to a host of issues, including paying off top execs for unethical behavior. Francis explains you can't create culture with beanbag chairs and lunch, you need to create a positive workspace. Has their slogan gone from "Do no evil" to "Do no evil, unless our reputation is at stake?"
27:00 - Zero click searches! Google is pulling more content into SERPs, provided by content marketers, which is resulting in less traffic being sent to the owners' of the content. In other words, Google is taking our content and populating it on SERPs to keep people in search results, rather than sending the traffic to your page. Not nice!
TikTok is the fastest growing app in the world...but it really seems like Vine v2.0
Pour one out for Vine, because it has re-emerged in the best way possible.