When God Was Queer

Amphorisode XIV: "The Descent of Inanna"

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In Amphorisode XIV, we take the primal descent into the Underworld back to its mythical origins: the Descent of Inanna. Join us for this very special, extended Pride Edition of WGWQ as Dakota tells their favorite myth of all time and it sparks a conversation which covers massive ground from systemic racism and rainbow capitalism to double consciousness and gender nihilism. We laugh, we cry (actually just Dakota but don't mention it), we get deep and we admit the truth: we're all just gay and tired. Plus we finally ask: what do Earth and Water signs actually *do*?

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When God Was Queer is hosted by Dakota St. Clare, Vince Vance & Daphne Malfitano.
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When God Was QueerBy Dakota St. Clare

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