A Great Recipe for Life Podcast

Anne Noonan, Yogini And A Food And Nutrition Coach

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My guest today is Anne Noonan.
Anne Noonan is a Yogini and a Food and Nutrition Coach with a focus on the women facing or going through their menopausal and midlife years.  
Her motto is 'you CAN have a fabulous life, body, business and kick some serious butt when you're in your 40's, 50's, 60's and beyond'.
It's totally up to us and our attitude toward this rather amazing phase of life. Anne has her own story of survival and rejuvenation through her personal experience of menopause and has been working and studying in this field for over 10 years. Her approach to having it all in midlife and beyond is one where that perfect blend of mind, body, spirit, intuition and belief meld together to actually create a younger, stronger attitude toward life.
You can find Anne Noonan at her website, www.annenoonan.com.au.
You can connect with Anne on Facebook.
You can listen to this episode via the link above, on iTunes or Stitcher or via the podcast app on your smartphone.
•Mel's podcast episode with Simone de Haas
•Mel's menopause blog, Just as Juicy
•having freedom of choices
•changing your life for the better
•making small choices to improve our lives
•morning walks
•being a yogini
•focusing on women undergoing menopause
•the importance of food and movement
•starting yoga at 50+
•ideal exercises for women undergoing menopause
•adrenal fatigue and exercise - what to avoid
•clothing for women who are experiencing hot flushes
•leg makeup - yes, this is a thing!!
•inflammation and the impact on menopause
•having a spiritual view towards menopause
•women starting a new career in their 50s
•breaking up with sugar
•Mel's elimination diet
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A Great Recipe for Life PodcastBy Mel Kettle