Phobos Militia Hobbycast

Art the Clown and the Terrifier Films

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Welcome to the Phobos Militia Hobbycast!

In this inaugural episode of the latest incarnation of the hobbycast, hosts Jeff and Andrea delve into the chilling world of horror movies with a focus on the slasher film Terrifier and its sequel Terrifier 2. With a blend of analysis and speculation, they dissect the films' narratives, characters, and themes, offering intriguing theories and insights along the way. From discussing the evolution of the slasher genre to unraveling the mysteries behind the terrifying antagonists, Jeff and Andrea provide a captivating exploration of these bone-chilling movies that will leave listeners on the edge of their seats.

The original "13" episodes will be released as Phobos Militia Classics, so stay tuned!

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Phobos Militia HobbycastBy Jeff and Andrea Wittenhagen from Unky Kyle's Retroseum