Dallas D'Silva is Manager of Marine Fisheries for Fisheries Victoria. His job is to ensure that Victoria's fisheries are sustainable into the future. The main fish species he's responsible for are snapper, king george whiting, bream, garfish, calamari and flathead.
There are 42 commercial fishing licenses in Port Philip Bay. The fish they catch and where they are caught vary from fish-species-season to fish-species-season. Netting technologies have improved dramatically over the years so by-catch is now minimal. Recreational catches of fish in Port Philip bay are usually larger than commercial catches.
Catch and size limits vary from year to year based on counts of juvenile fish and surveys of commercial and recreational fish catches. For this reason, any fish you buy from a fish monger that has been caught in Victorian waters is from a sustainably managed fishery.
For more information go to www.dpi.vic.gov.au/fishing
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