The Power of the Spoken Word is made so by the act of powerful listening.. What is happiness and why is it tweeted as #1 in goals expressed as a resolution for 2015? Yes! That is correct… wanting more happiness has been tracked on tweets as that which is the most desired element and stated #1 (top 5) in tweets as a resolution. And how does this get reflected through listening? “No friend or lover, no husband or wife, no community or commune will be able to put to rest our deepest cravings for unity and wholeness…Friendship and love cannot develop in the form of an anxious clinging to each other. They ask for gentle fearless space ( in which true listening can occur and thereby happiness…) in which we can move to and from each other.” P30 Reaching Out by J. M. Nouwen Does it surprise you learn that a majority of people are resolved to find more happiness in 2015?