Untold Stories Podcast

Becoming Hungary’s first superangel - The Untold Story of Jared Schrieber

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#UntoldStoriesConference, #StartupEuropeNetworks, #startuphungary.io, #TechCampGlobal, #hungary.usembassy
In the special episode we brought to you the Untold Story of Jared Schrieber - serial entrepreneur and angel investor directly from Silicon Valley. After unfolding his journey as a founder and CEO, he also shares his insights with us about the Hungarian startup ecosystem compared to his worldwide experiences.
In 2011 Jared founded InfoScout, a marketing intelligence company providing household purchase information by item across all retailers. They went through every type of investment round, including a 2017 merger with Market Track whereby the 2 companies rebranded themselves as Numerator. After integrating the two companies, Jared stepped down from the company’s CEO position, moved to Hungary as a “love-refugee” and started focusing more on his angel investment activity. “I’m a little bit more of an early stage start-up guy, I think my strengths play to between 0-100 employees not between 100-1000...”
Now he’s here to stay and to shake up the Hungarian startup world. His continuously growing portfolio of 25 angel investments has him well on his way to becoming Hungary’s first super angel.
Hit the play button and dive into this extraordinary episode to find out how he grew InfoScout into a unicorn, how he sees the Hungarian startup world, and all the answers for these following questions:
How did his entrepreneurial journey start?
What was the origin story of InfoScout?
How did he overcome the initial struggles?
What was the importance of traction in the early years?
How were sales at the beginning?
What were the main milestones of the development of InfoScout?
What convinced him to say yes to a VC and how did this decision turn out?
What happened during the Series C venture round?
Why were the VCs sceptical about InfoScout?
Why did InfoScout merge with Market Track and how did it impact their day-to-day operations?
What was Jared’s role in Numerator after the merger and why did he decide to take a step back?
What happened to him and Numerator in the last 4 years?
When did he start his angel investing activity?
What was his first angel investment project and how did it turn out?
Have any of the companies he invested in failed?
How actively is he engaging with the companies he’s investing in?
In what VCs is he an LP as well?
What is the specialty focus of his angel activity?
What are the barriers in Hungary of becoming an angel investor?
Why is Hungary lacking later stage vehicles, and what other countries can be optimal role models for Hungary?
What are the elements of their model that we should adopt in Hungary?
How would he evaluate the quality of the early stage startups in Hungary, and how would he improve it?
Who writes first checks in Silicon Valley now?
What is his message for Hungarian founders?
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The Untold Stories Podcast series brought to you by Startup Europe Networks and Startup Hungary, powered by TechCamp and US Embassy Hungary.
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Untold Stories PodcastBy BROCASTERZ // Untold Stories Conference