Being a Translator - a Podcast by Desi Mandarini

Being a Translator - a Podcast by Desi Mandarini

By Desi Mandarini


What's Being a Translator - a Podcast by Desi Mandarini about?

Ini adalah siniar yang dibawakan oleh Desi Mandarini. Ia adalah penerjemah bersertifikat and juru bahasa profesional. Di siniar ini, ia berbagi tips, pandangan, dan pengalamannya bekerja sebagai penerjemah dan juru bahasa.

This podcast is hosted by Desi Mandarini. She is a certified translator and professional interpreter. In this podcast, she shares tips, experience, and and her perspective on working as a translator and interpreter.

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Being a Translator - a Podcast by Desi Mandarini episodes: