In the Telling

Betsy Couture

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Episode 69 Betsy Couture is special, more on that in a minute. A quick announcement before we dive in. In the Telling is going on break for the whole summer. I’m starting a Master’s Degree in English on June 1st, which I’m pretty excited for and nervous about. In the Telling will be back in September after I’ve gotten a solid grasp of my program. However, I didn’t want to leave you for such a long break without a lovely parting gift. This incredible interview with couture wedding dress designer Betsy Barker is available in video form on my YouTube channel. Full video interviews are something I typically reserve solely for Patreon patrons, but since we have to part for three months, and since Betsy’s work is sumptuous to behold, I’ve put her zoom interview and tour of her studio and sewing rooms on YouTube for everyone! Be sure to check out Utah’s very own award-winning Betsy Couture!

Betsy Couture tour and interview on YouTube

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Theme music by Gordon Vetas

Thanks for listening and have a great summer!

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In the TellingBy Liz Christensen

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