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Ascending and Grounding go hand-in-hand. Often times, people mention the significance of "grounding," but don't share how-to do it or resources for going about grounding methods. In this episode, Cindy Rodriguez, Earth Element Enthusiast and Expert, joins me to share simple tips to Ground your energy, amidst pandemic or no pandemic, with easy methods. We take a deep dive into the beauty of grounding in the 3D and working with the lower chakras as it relates to Spirituality and Ascension.
Connect With Cindy and Reclama:
Check out Her Digital Journal:
Join her Earth Day Camping Trip:
Her 17 resources to Combat Anti-Blackness:
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Ascending and Grounding go hand-in-hand. Often times, people mention the significance of "grounding," but don't share how-to do it or resources for going about grounding methods. In this episode, Cindy Rodriguez, Earth Element Enthusiast and Expert, joins me to share simple tips to Ground your energy, amidst pandemic or no pandemic, with easy methods. We take a deep dive into the beauty of grounding in the 3D and working with the lower chakras as it relates to Spirituality and Ascension.
Connect With Cindy and Reclama:
Check out Her Digital Journal:
Join her Earth Day Camping Trip:
Her 17 resources to Combat Anti-Blackness: