Are you expecting a baby soon? Do you want to learn more about the last two months of pregnancy and how to prepare for labor and delivery? If so, you might want to watch this video, where Dr. Maxin, a doctor and nurse practitioner, shares his expertise and experience on the significance of the last two months of pregnancy. In this video, you will learn about:
The major changes and milestones that occur in the baby during the last two months of pregnancy, such as the baby’s eyes, organs, hair, nails, skin, movements, weight, and position.
The tips and advice on how to take care of yourself and the baby during the last two months of pregnancy, such as eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of fluids, getting enough rest and sleep, attending regular prenatal checkups and tests, preparing your hospital bag, birth plan, and baby essentials, and practicing relaxation, breathing, and pelvic floor exercises.
The signs and stages of labor, and what to expect during the delivery process, such as contractions, water breaking, bloody show, back pain, diarrhea, pushing, episiotomy, vacuum extraction, forceps, cesarean section, cutting the umbilical cord, delivering the placenta, and skin-to-skin contact with the baby.
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