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In this episode, I jump on the phone with Bill Caskey, a fellow subscriber and master of the mindset it takes to be able to sell your product or service. We discuss the various roadblocks most people make for themselves, making it harder to sell. We also discuss the mental shift you must make to push yourself forward in your business, regardless of where you're at now.

It was a fantastic, can't-miss episode to get your mind right to take yourself to the next level, whatever that level might be!

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Jeremy Reeves: Hey guys and girls, this is Jeremy Reeves with another episode of the sales funnel mastery podcast and today I have a very special guest on the line, his name is Bill Caskey.

We are going to talk about something pretty cool today. Bill is -- you can find him at by the way. He is a sales and leadership trainer but the thing that I like about him is -- it is not the way that he teaches is not just about actually selling tactics. If you remember I had Butch Bellah a couple of months ago and we talked about, you know, actual selling tactics to help you sell, you know, better in your funnel., by the way. He is a sales and leadership trainer but the thing that I like about him is -- it is not the way that he teaches is not just about actually selling tactics. If you remember I had Butch Bellah a couple of months ago and we talked about, you know, actual selling tactics to help you sell, you know, better in your funnel.

So he goes beyond that and it is not just, you know, asking questions and things like that, you know, all the various selling tactics, but also in things like the mindset and positioning so that you do not have to struggle when you are selling, you know, it is kind of like, you know, pushing an uphill battle.

So that is what we are going to talk about today.

So real quick introduction, you know, again, his name is Bill Caskey, he is a sales leadership trainer. He also has a podcast which by the way, I highly recommend listening to. It is called the Advance Selling Podcast and he also has a couple of books out -- One is the Same Game New Rules; The Sales Playbook; Email It; and Rewire The Sales Mind, which that last one, I think, I might check out, because, you know, the mindset is so important and you know, one thing that I have realized is, as my own mindset expands, there is always room to grow, you know, you go from like level 1 to 3 and then all of the sudden when you are at 3, you realized that there is like a billion other levels above that.

So there is always ways to go. So Bill, I want you to say Hi.

Bill Caskey: Hey Jeremy, I appreciate you and the work you do. I have listened to your podcast and I am really looking forward to this. You have had some great guest on, I hope I can -- I hope I can measure up at least partially.

Jeremy Reeves: Sounds good, yeah, I am sure you will.

Yeah, so I mean, you know, tell everyone a little bit, you know, anything that I missed or, you know, kind of jut give a little, you know, quick little brief intro of yourself, anything that you want everybody to know before you jump in.

Bill Caskey: Yeah, well, I am a sales coach and trainer and I do sales -- work with sales people, sales teams, leadership teams and I have done that for about 25 years. I think the best way to kind of kick things off though is to tell you a very quick story, I will try to keep it quick, and that is, you know, we all arrive at our professions in a variety of different ways and what is really interesting sometimes is you look back and say, what were some defining events in our lives that caused us to be who we are, and where we are today. And I am sure if I were to inquire there is probably some things in your past, maybe something you are not so proud of, some things you are very proud of, but we are all on the journey, you know, we are all on the pass somewhere.

When I was on 8th grade, I live in Indiana, which is in the U.S. of course, and it is a hot bed of basketball, we love our basketball here, we always have, and I grew up with the ball in my hand. I was always playing, I was just playing summer, winter, or fall all year round and I do not know how good of a basketball player I was but I love the game.

When I was on 8th grade, it was -- in 7th grade, we had 2 teams. We had an A and a B team, on 8th grade, it went down to 1 team for some reason.

So I was pretty sure I was going to make to team and it was that day that the coach post the roster up outside his office. I do not know if you ever were an athletic, probably it is all digital today, but back then there was actually an 8.5 by 11 sheet of paper with everybody’s name on it of who is going to make to the team that year and we had a couple of weeks of practice.

So I ran into the coach’s office down the hall and I was examining the list wondering not whether I made it, but who else made it besides me and lo and behold, guess whose name was not on that list, Bill Caskey. I had been cut from my 8th grade basketball team in a game that I just -- It was what defined me, I just love the game.

And that was one of those moments that we have all had where it is almost like somebody sticks their finger in your chest and says, hey, you are just not good enough. You are insufficient, you are an adequate and when I tell the story people say, are you over it yet, 50 years later, yeah. I am over it but I do think that it was a defining moment because it kind of set the stage for this idea and I talked about this today that we kind of live in a pick me society, we are all always looking to be selected, to be picked that starts in elementary school it continues through sports, clubs. We are always looking to be on the team or to get selected.

I think when -- when there is always so many slots on the team you cannot take everybody, but unfortunately, I think we take the same attitude toward life when we get in the college, we are hoping we get accepted, we are hoping we get the job after college, we are hoping we get the promotion if you are in sales on any kind of performance role, you are hoping that you achieve at a certain level, you are hoping to get the customer and over time I found that that is kind of a losing proposition. That is not really the right way to think and yet it is so ingrained that our business culture and I hear sales people all the time I go to Starbucks and I will sometimes sit next to somebody cause the tables are so close, I am really not trying to snoop, I just -- I cannot help it. Then I hear sales people pleading and hopeful and desperate and anxious and it is just -- it is so off-putting isn’t it. I mean it just so, it is so weak and wobbly.

And so over the last 25 years, I have made a mission in my life in the training that I do is to stop that. Is to teach people how not to be that way because I do not think it is helpful. I do not think customers buy from us we are needy, I think it is the opposite, I think people buy from other people who they feel like can bring value.

And so over the last 25 years I have created a business and a coaching programs, programs and program about how do you position yourself in a way that you are not, you are not being selected by them, you are selecting them.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, I love that, I love that you put that, you know, you are selecting them and it is so, you know, it is so important, you know, we will get into -- we will talk about little bit about positioning, you know, and that is really part of positioning, is positioning you as the, you know, the price, so to speak versus the, you know, finding the client being -- oh my God, I cannot wait to work with them, oh it is going to be so exciting, you know, versus them looking at you and saying, oh my God I cannot wait to work without Bill, it is going to be exciting, you know.

Bill Caskey: Exactly, exactly. And it is sounds easy doesn’t it, I am in the surface it sounds well, I just go, I will just go say the things I need to say to get them to want me more. Well, we all know how that works in dating and in life, it does not work very well.

So I am convinced it is more than just what you say, it’s who you are and how you are and how you think and I know we will get into a little bit more of that, but I think -- we all say, oh that is great, when I can say this, the customer will want me, but unfortunately it does not work that easily.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, so and that is actually a good starting point, you know.

What are some of the things that, that you think and I know that -- I mean this topic alone is, you know, worthy of probably not only a podcast but a book you know.

What are some of the things that you think people have to do and say and think to start shifting into that mindset of you know, them being the price versus their customer or client being you know, the price for them.

Bill Caskey: Yeah, well there is -- I actually published a -- and your listeners are welcome to go get it if they want. We are not going to have time probably to talk about all 10 but the what I called the 2 X principles and that the idea there is that if you are going to double and it could be your income, it could be your business, but let us just say you want to double your results, you want to profoundly improve your results, then these principles will help you to shift that mindset.

Let me go ahead and give you the email or the address.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, go ahead.

Bill Caskey: Okay, and you can get a copy of this but it is just 10 things and there is a couple of paragraphs underneath each one.

I would start with the first one that I think is probably the most important and that is, you need to have, we need to have an attitude of detachment.

Sometimes we get so attached to the outcome that we lose our way and we start vaulting, we start jumping ahead and we got to understand the customer and sales especially, but in leadership too. The other person is always on the journey and they are on their journey, you are on your journey. You are usually hoping to influence their journey but you have to understand that the more attached you are, the more you want what you want the less they are going to get what they want or even feel like you care about what they want.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah.

Bill Caskey: So principle number 1 is the idea of detachment. It is the idea that I am not going to be disengaged. I am going to be fully engaged. I am going to care about the customer’s problems but the instant I become more interested in the sale than they are and getting their problem solved is when I have jumped the shark, I am out of control and so -- we can talk more about that but the first one is just a healthy dose of detachment.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, I love that you know, and I thought a lot of you know, like (inaudible 9:34.8) stuff like you know, that talks a lot about detachment you know, and it is one of -- not only like if you learn detachment, that is one of those things that it helps kind of like every area of your life because you do not get -- you know, I have been a lot of situations and not really anymore because I have learned to be kind of detached from you know, from things like that, but I remember you know, years ago when that was like a problem you know, I would actually get upset you know, and it ruins your day. It is kind of like you know, downward spiral where you have you know, let us say, you have this client and you think they are going to move forward and then for some reason they just never get you know, they just disappear which you know, I am sure anybody who has ever work to the client has had that happened you know, many many clients.

What happens is, you know, you are (inaudible 10:25.3) because it is like, oh, that is going to happen you know, that not, that might happen, but that is going to happen and then when it does not happen, it completely throws you off your game. So then depending on how long you can kind of rebound it throws you off your game for that long you know, it might be 2, 3, 4, or 5 you know, a week, a month, whatever it is and you are in that kind of negative state and then you are stressed, you cannot think properly so then you are losing other sales and it is like, it is just a very, very bad situation to be.

Bill Caskey: It is a bad spiral, yeah, it is.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah, it really is.

Bill Caskey: You know, even in the sales process itself or when you are engage with this person that you are attempting to influence or convince is -- it is not helpful, it is not helpful for you -- you know, a lot of times, I will say to a person you know, tell me about your vision on the customer, well I really want to help them, I really want -- I want to help them solve a problem, I am really committed to solving problems and then I hear them 5 minutes later when they are talking about a deal that is not closing and it gets away from that more toward well. What do I need to do to get this deal and I say, what if, what if you are helping your customer by walking away, what if you are helping your customer by not selling them, maybe there is a better alternative well that is impossible, it is impossible, we have the best -- well then you really do not care about your customer do you.

You say that, you know, you voice that from the mountain top it really what it gets down to is nah, you really are more interested in you. It is hard, I mean this whole detachment thing. We have grown up for 40 or 50 years in this world of we want to control the outcomes, and I got news for you. You are not in control of the outcomes. Yiddish, the Jewish folks, there is a yiddish thing that says, we plan God laughs.

Jeremy Reeves: That is a good one, I like that.

Bill Caskey: And it is that same thing you know, we make the plan, we want this customer, we want them really bad and sometimes it is not to be, but I think even in the process, the more attached you are, the more you will drive people away from you.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah. You know, there is something about -- even if you think about relationship you know, imagine walking up to a girl in a bar or if you are girl you know, walking up t a guy whatever and you are just that like needy you now, you like have to sit next to them, you get upset if they like walk away or whatever you know, versus the -- you know, the guy that goes and he is trying to you know, find a girl you know, and he is like kind of like does that hard to get thing you know, I am sure a lot of guys are familiar with the girls being hard to get, that is why you get so attached to the girls because they are detached from you

You know, it is kind of the same thing like when you are a client, if you are trying to -- if you are being that needy person, well every time they feel that neediness, they just get -- it is like a magnet you know, you are kind of getting pushed away from them versus you know, versus if you say like, if they are like, oh hey you know, we are just not ready right now, and you are like, oh that is fine you know, just get back in touch whenever you are ready or whatever.

Here are the couple of things you can do in the meantime you know, to keep you know, to keep -- or whatever. It is like, oh wow, you know, this guy really like actually cares about me you know, I am not even giving him money, but he is still trying to help you know, I know I have personally seen that situation come back and you know, have a positive outcome, I mean you know, I do not know how many times but a lot of times.

It is the norm you know, so yeah, I mean I love that.

Bill Caskey: Yeah, the problem a lot of times too is that we can have that healthy detachment, I say healthy because you do not want -- I do not want to play tricks on people. I am not trying to -- I am not trying to be somebody I am not that is why I like the inner game issues because if you really are detached, you do not have to play games with anybody.

You just show up in this healthy form of detachment, but a lot of times we say that, but the further into the sale cycle we go, then we get more attach, that attachment starts growing and we have invested time and money and resources and effort and then at the 11th hour they say no, like you said earlier, that is when we come off the rail.

But if you are detached all the way through and I have got a client who starts every meeting and he is in a fairly long selling cycle probably 7 or 8 sales calls calls. He will say at the beginning of each call, look you know, I realized we are 4 calls in and we are getting down the business here. There is a lot of good things happening, it feels good.

If you are feeling -- if you ever feel in this process like it is not a fit, I want you to tell me, because I am not -- I do not want to be a pest. He rephrases it at the beginning of each call but it is the same kind of verbatim that he puts out there and he closes 80% of his business because by the time they are down to the 7th or 8th call they do not want to go anywhere, they do not want to start over with someone, but he has allowed them space to make a decision rather than him feeling like he has to coerce them into decision.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, I like that. I am actually going to use that. That is good because I have a lot of clients where you know, they are spending a lot of money on our services and things like that and for a lot of people like the timing has to be right and I get a lot of people where they like, hey you know, we are (inaudible 15:35.7) I will send a proposal and it is like, oh that sounds perfect you know, but let us you know, kind of get in touch whatever 2 months, 3 months, 6 months you know, a month, whatever it is.

So I follow up with them, like just kind of, hey, how are things you know, anything I can help you whatever.

But I really like, I really like that thing of saying like, hey you know, if I never pass just like you know, you can just tell me when you are ready, I like that. I do it -- you know, I follow up because I genuinely trying to like you know, if they have questions I can answer for them, that kind of thing.

But I can actually like now, I am thinking about it, I can see that coming across, it is like, oh you know, here he is, emailing us again.

So I am actually going to think about how I can kind of tweak that on my own you know, on my own follow up on people.

Bill Caskey: Yeah, and I want to make sure that we are clear. I am not suggesting that after your call you wait, you sit back and wait for the customer to call you, that is not the point. It is the -- in the email that you send is a follow-up. Make sure that your tone is not one of attachments.

So, like you just said, hey, it has been a couple of weeks since we spoke, I am interested in helping you. If it feels like it is right for you, but if not, I understand. Give me a call sometime, let’s reconnect.

But not, hey, you know, price goes up at the end of the month and I need the business and my kids need shoes and I know we say, oh, I would never say that. We do not say that, but we say things like that. We do not realize it.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, it is not quite as obvious, but they still feel the same, do they still know that --

Bill Caskey: They do.

Jeremy Reeves: Kind of implying that you know, there is definitely an energy that comes along with it that you pick up on.

Bill Caskey: So the second -- so that is the first principle is detachment and does it take awhile to adopt, yes, it is constant work, but it will make you a lot of money and it is the core to the 2xing your business and it sounds kind of intuitive, you weigh 2 extra businesses as to not care. Well, I am not saying don’t care, I am saying care less than they do about getting their problem solve. That is really the -- that is really the metric you have to go by.

The second element of this, these principles is what I call high intent. High intent or high intention is where your intention is about helping them solve the problem they have even if that means you are not involve in the solution which is kind of a side note to detachment, but I have got to make sure that my intention from the time I feel the call to the time I show up, to the time we did a proposal. My intention is totally focused on them, their problem, their dreams, their achievement and that becomes the intent, low intent, is where it’s all about me.

Again, this slips, people can have high intent the first call and then as they go through the process that intent starts to lower and we started to think, well, geez, what is this going to mean to me, and how can I get this off to street.

And then you go back to your sales manager and say, hey, we are -- I would say, it is about a 60% and he is like well, what do you need to do to get it to 90% you know, come on, let’s go. We need this in, you know, we got to -- we got numbers to meet, the board is frustrated, we are not making the numbers.

And then all of the sudden what do you do. You have no way of taking that in without giving it back to the customer.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah.

Bill Caskey: So we as sales professionals in business, whatever part of business you are in, we need to take that information but we cannot pass it on to our target audience because it is just not helpful.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah and I love that, and I have said before like, if you are not willing to have a client that you can help, but someone else can help better, if you are not willing to refer that person then your mindset is just not in the right place.

Bill Caskey: That is exactly right.

Jeremy Reeves: And I even had situations I mean you know, if anybody that has got in touch with me you know that like, I do not even take on projects unless I feel that, number 1, I can definitely help you and number 2, I am definitely the best person to help you.

There has been a lot of cases where I would say like, hey, you know, I might not be the right fit just because a lot of times it is not price they got, I mean I have turned away you know, 5 figure projects because I did not have much experience in that area or I did not have passion for it.

You know, a lot of people come with like network marketing type of stuff and I am just not really into that anymore, I used to be, but I mean that was you know, a long time ago but you know, I just do not really have a passion for that anymore so anybody that comes usually in that you know, in that kind of industry and there is a couple of them like this or even something like that is you know, I just do not have passion for it. I would not want to write about it. I always you know, refer them and say, hey, look you know, I could probably help you but it would not be anywhere near my best work, you know, I would not really feel comfortable taking on and I have had a lot of cases where they really appreciate to that and then they actually refer people to me you know. That has happened quite a bit. So you know, it always comes back to you, plus it makes you feel good that you are actually being you know, a genuinely, like authentic good person you know, that you are not just taking it for your own game but you are actually doing it because you have, you know, your clients and your customers in mind.

Bill Caskey: Exactly. There is a quote that I like that is, who you are speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you say. Who you are speaks so loudly I cannot -- in what you are saying I think that is the quote that follows intent is if you are intention is low, you can say, you can say that my intent is to help you, but if everything that you -- who you are is reeking of desperation, they are not hearing of what you say. They only determining how you are and who you are in that process.

So intent is really important and here is a tip for your listeners if you want one. Sometimes it is good just to give voice to that by saying to the person you are with or talking to, you know, my intent Mr. prospect is to discuss this a little bit, find out what you are interested in, find out what are some of the issues throughout that you are struggling with. At the end, we can decide if it make sense to go further, if it make sense to abort or just -- or end it or we can decide what would the next logical step would be.

When you are declaring that, A. It is good to -- it is good for the customer to hear, but B. It is good for you to reinforce that in your own mind, because we will remember things we say, and if you say it often enough, it will become part of you.

So that is just a little verbatim tip that your people, your listeners can use when they are in this situations be at negotiation, be at sales, be at dating whatever. Is just to clear your intent verbally, it really helps.

Jeremy Reeves: Okay, I like that, I like that.

So one thing that I want to kind of -- I want to kind of switch a little bit to talk about is, you know, I talked to a lot of people that they are afraid to -- I am trying to think how to say this and it is -- you know, it kind of wraps around mindset you know, they are afraid to really put themselves out there and take a risk, you know what I mean like, they are playing, playing too simple.

So just for example, someone got in touch yesterday and he really never had this mindset, it was more of that, he just was not there yet because he is working on other thing, but it just (inaudible 22:42.8) to what I was thinking about.

So he had a frontend product that was $47 and then he had I think it was like a $147 upsale and then a continuity program for, I forgot what it was, like $15 a month.

And one of the first things that I said you know, because he is doing well and he came to me and he was like, hey, you know, how do we kind of take this to the next level you know. And I said, well, what can you sell like -- what is something big that you can really help people with and deliver such you know, tremendous value that it does not just like kind of help their lives but transforms their life, you know what I mean, and basically coming out with a high end offer, you know, and we talked about it, I won’t go to the details what we come up with, but you know, we came up with something that is going to be somewhere in the range like a $1000 to $1500, whereas before, the highest price was $150.

Like what do you think -- what do you think, because I see this thing come up a lot where people they just want to sell like low price products, they are kind of, you know, the main objection is, oh well you know, people are never going to pay you that money and my kind of objection to that objection is how do you make your value, how do you create more value so that they are going to pay it, you know what I mean, rather than saying, oh they won’t pay that, I always say, alright. Pick a price, it does not even matter what price, just pick. It could be five hundred, five thousand, a hundred thousand, a million dollars. I mean, what do you have to do either mentally you know, in your courses, how you deliver whatever it is -- what do you have to do to make the value you know, 5 to 10 times more than that price you know, and that is kind of the question that I post to people.

So like, you know, from your experience, because this comes back to inner game really.

Bill Caskey: It does, it does.

Jeremy Reeves: Because most people you have to you know, it is a mindset you know, what your worth is. I mean, do you think that is some type of like inner you know, self worth like kind of conditioning you know issue or what are your thoughts on that.

Bill Caskey: Yeah, it is self worth and I think about it in terms of value. So you have a value that you want to communicate and demonstrate to the world and often I do not think we think through that value very well. I think we launch at the first jumping off point and we say that is $97 ebook or $97 course. We do not really go deep and say, how can I transform and you said the word, how can I transform someone, how can I really change their life. Well, that is not the $97 course, that is probably a much higher end coaching training, whatever it is, but we do not give that -- I love Cal Newport, he has been on a couple of podcast. He wrote a book called, So Good They Can’t Ignore You.

And he has a brand new book called, Deep Work, and deep work is about our total reluctance to do anything deep in terms of focus and concentration and we get so distracted by email and text and all that stuff. We cannot sit in a room. Most of us cannot sit in the room for 2 hours and map that out and yet that is exactly what you are describing is if somebody where to hand you $20,000 Mr. Prospect, what would you need to create for you to be happy with it and then to be ecstatic about paying $20,000 and it takes, it takes rolling up your sleeves and saying okay, how would we create something and yet we are reluctant to do that because like you say, our self concept jumps to that endgame (inaudible 26:15.0) who is going to pay that.

I am having trouble selling $97 courses who is going to pay $10 grand for me to show up for 4 hours. Well, people will but not if you do not think, not if you do not believe in it and you can call a self or self concept but it is really a self believe. Do I have enough belief in the value of my product and I am going to go little side here. A lot of times we have belief in our product because of what its price at. We do not have belief at our product based on what it could be valued at.

We get price and value all mixed up and I had a client here about 4 or 5 years ago, I went in and did -- it was an accounting firm. Accounting firms do not usually buy sales training and business development training. These guys did and every month they would fight me on -- it was a 1 year contract, so I was not going to change the price, but at the end of the first year, they have generated like 3 million dollars with the new clients and we came up for negotiation and he said, you know, Bill, we are really happy with the work, but we are going to have to -- we are going to have to cut back, and I said, why is that, because well you know, I just think this amount of money per month is crazy, and I said, okay compared to what, what do you comparing it to, well, you know, we have accounting trainers in and they do not charge nearly this much, I said look, I think we should end it and here is why.

I just had delivered 3 million dollars on paper we could measure it, 3 million dollars of gross revenue at a 45% margin. I have delivered a million plus to you and you are fighting me for a thousand, I mean it was five thousand a month or something, he wants to lower it to 4. You are fighting me for $12,000. I said, obviously, you do not see the value, obviously, I have done a crappy job of demonstrating the value even though the numbers are there. I think we should just part ways, I love your guys but this is just not a fit anymore.

And he looked, he kind of had his glasses on and he looked up from his page and he just started smiling and he goes, good answer. He goes, let us keep going then, but I do not like the price. Well, that is okay, you cannot like it, but you got to like the million and a half I put to your bottom line. You got to like that John. Yeah, you are right, I do like that.

But I think that is the idea of what do you value your services at and that is an easy one because he was paying me $60 grand for you know, a million and a half dollars of profit, yeah it is easy, but a lot of times we do not have -- it is not quite that juxtapose, it is not that easy to assemble, but still, I think we need to be really thorough and one of the principles believe it or not, be thorough about analyzing your value and look back to where you have been valuable to people.

If you do not believe it, you cannot get somebody else to believe it, you just cannot.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah and I just took, I just took a personality -- it is called strengths finder and it is funny you know, it is like $15, you can go out and buy you know, $15 book and it kind of tells you, because it is, it is I am in a little bit of period of you know, reflection and inflection whatever do you want to call it, figuring out that kind of stuff because I am kind of taking my own game to it, you know, to a whole another level.

And I tend to do that about once a year, something shifts you know, like every -- some reason but --

Bill Caskey: Jeremy, you know that some people go through life, I never do that. It goes through 40 years of work and they never really sit back and say okay, I am earning and it is not always about earning isn’t it. I mean it is about a lot of things, but I am earning this amount of money and what do I need to do from a skills standpoint to bump that up or reinvent myself or to be, to find rare skills that nobody else has, but instead we go home or we watch Desperate Housewives and we watch Downtown Abbey and we watch the NBA game and another night 4 hours in front of the TV and we have not done, we have not done a crap for helping our skills.

So anyway, I got off on a little tangent there.

Jeremy Reeves: Oh no, it is okay. Yeah, I mean, -- you know what, one way to force yourself to do this is, if you are not going, if you are not waking up every day and you are a little bit scared about what is going to happen for your future not in terms of like scares and like, you know, oh my God, I do not know how to, going to pay my rent. Scares in, oh my God, I am coming out with this new program, this new whatever and I am not 100% sure I can live up to it you know like, I mean, I feel like you should be a little bit scare like pushing yourself outside your comfort zone.

Bill Caskey: Absolutely.

Jeremy Reeves: I feel like if you are not doing that, if you are not like you know, because if you are 100% confident, I feel like you are not, you know, you are not pushing hard enough.

That is one of the things that I always try to do is like, okay, how can we you know, what do I have to do that is going to like kind of just do like what if you know, what if we did and what if we did that and then when something comes up, and it is like, oh men, that is going to be tough. That is the one that you --

Bill Caskey: That is the one. You hit on it. That is exactly right. And that gets back to if I might do a call back as we do -- we do not do in the comedy world, but probably well does call back to detachment. What happens is we think of the idea and we say, oh men, wouldn’t be cool if I had this or did this and then we talk ourselves right out of it because we are too attached to a perfect outcome and what would you know is the outcome is never perfect. The outcome is always a work in progress.

So yeah, boy, that $97 thing, I mean we had a radio show back in, I do not know, early 2000 before we had the advance selling podcast and it was on at 12 o’clock noon on Saturday, 5,000-watt station. Well, nobody was listening to that, I mean, nobody called in, but guess what, we did it for a year (inaudible 31:53.6) I did it and we cut our teeth and we got good chemistry and we got good broadcasting, we got good at working off of each other and it turned into a podcast a year later.

Now, if we wouldn’t have that idea, that man, this radio show is going to generate a million dollars and it didn’t, we would abort it and we wouldn’t gone into podcasting, but I think you have to just try these things, recognizing and being detach from the outcome and when you are detached, you will bring your whole self to the world everyday because you are not worried about what people think, how much I am earning, that kind of thing.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah. You know, a lot of people -- if you really sit down and think okay, like you know, if you are getting -- if you are going to try something were like, you have conceivably to scare the hell out of yourself and you are like, oh my God, like I do not even know if I can handle this.

Just sit down and think, okay, what is the best possible outcome here and what is the absolute worst possible outcome and usually the best possible outcome is way above whatever you have now and usually the worst possible outcome isn’t that bad you know, it is like, oh you now -- like let us just say for example, I was going to come out with a new, I do not know, like a new service or something and it bond, right. Well then, I mean the worst possible outcome is you, you know, you embarrassed yourself a little bit, you came up with something that nobody really went for, you know, (inaudible 33:13.6) I mean, do you think people are really going to remember that a year from now, no. They are not going to --

Bill Caskey: You would not even --

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah. You probably won’t and even you know, you look at it and you are like, alright, well you know, someone like calls you out, and they like, oh you failed, and they are like making fun at you. I mean all you have to say is look, I tried, you know, what did you do. You know what I mean.

You know, I would, you know, work a couple of hours a night putting this thing together, launch if it failed, well guess what, you know, I already tried the next thing, that failed, I already tried the next thing and I made you know, brand new 7-figure business. What did you do at that time.

Bill Caskey: But don’t you think that is a function, a little bit of, I do not know, I have never heard it, I am just (inaudible 33:52.6) I have never said it, but this idea of self commitment, am I really committed to myself or am I committed to this pie in the sky result, but I am not committed to the work and the work ethic that is going to take to realize it.

I think we say and I said this earlier, I hear this a lot is, you know, I said to a sales person, you know what, what are you committed to in 2016, well, I am committed, you know 30% increase in sales.

Okay, what do you committed to doing to make that happen. Well, I just got to go and make more calls. Well, okay, but what else, are you committed to link in or are you committed to blogging. What if you did a video series for prospects who needed to know (inaudible 34:31.8). You have so much knowledge, why don’t you start to get that out there. Wehh, it is a lot of work, okay. So you are not truly committed to that because if you believe that a video service or a podcast or a blog or an article or something, what help you get there, you do it but you are not committed to it. You are not even committed to trying it and so I think a lot of these gets back to we are committed to the results but we are not truly committed to the actions required to get the results.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah. I like that. You know, and I think -- I think a lot of people, they kind of suffer from that and that is why, see I talk to a lot of people and there are so many opportunities and you know, I look at it, you now, I am not just saying just me but like I mean anybody else looks at it that has kind of a mindset that is bigger and it is like, why are you doing this, you know, why aren’t you doing this, it is like so simple. It is more of a function of getting them to believe themselves that they can do it, you know, that they can add a new program, a new service, a new product whatever it is, you know, work hard (inaudible 35:32.8) you know, whatever the case is.

Bill Caskey: I had a guy in my office yesterday who came in for a coaching session. I usually do not do one off coaching but he was right around the corner and he kind of pleaded with me to do it. So we did a little 2-hour coaching and he had his whole -- he does whole marketing plan laid out, and it was really well done, I mean he just -- it was too much but he had it all laid out and he goes, what do you think of this, and I said, how long have you had this, and he said, oh, probably 6 months, and I said, what have you done, what of these things are in action right now, he said not one. I said, what are you waiting on, he goes, really, I am waiting on someone, like you, in this case, because he was paying me, but I am waiting for someone to say, this is good, go for it.

And I think sometimes we get and I am guilty of this too Jeremy. I am guilty sometimes of talking myself into and out of something before I even test the market and sometimes I think you just need somebody else there whether it is a peer or a former coach, somebody who says, that looks awesome, go for it man, go for one of those things. But if we do not have that, and maybe that is a self worth thing, were reluctant, we play this reluctant performer and we are always coming up with these ideas, but we are never really putting them out into the world, that to me is probably more self worth than anything else.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah, I agree. You know, I kind of resonate with that because I am actually in when was that, I think the end of last week something like that. I talked to a prospect who I am going to do a funnel day with. It is basically like a full day consulting.

So he is a partner in another business and then we got to talking and we realized that we should actually be partners in like a totally new you know, separate thing and you know, we went through and we came out and it is a lot of -- basically I am treading in a lot of uncharted territory, you know what I mean. It is basically a market that I am familiar with, but I have never like personally kind of gone after but it is a big opportunity and like and we are going to do like a whole weekend event and like you know, set up the whole big weekend live event kind of thing. Also, something I have never done.

So it’s -- you know, I am kind of looking at myself going through the process and it really did like I actually kind of look for his validation too in most things you know. So it really is, but you know, and we kind of partner up on it because -- and this is also another lesson like, if you want to do -- if you have your mindset in a place where you want to do something but you do not know the logistics you know, of it, like so for example, setting up the whole like weekend, you know, I have never done, I have never set up live events that kind of thing but he has.

So you know, if that is the case, if it is not a case (inaudible 38:27.3) mindset like allowing you to do it, you know, if you are not, like if you can get pass the part like the fear part, and you are just like, well I just -- I just do not know how to actually do that, then look for a partner you know, it does. And that is a good way to kind of overcome that and then be able to then move forward, you know. That is also another thing.

Bill Caskey: Yeah, I like that, I like that and sometimes we are like I have told a lot of people about podcasting, I am a big fan of podcasting, I listen to yours, I listen to half dozen others. I have one, I am getting ready to launch another one called, The Bill Caskey Podcast, so I am really interested in this genre because I think it is just -- we are just on the forefront of it right now.

But sometimes all half people who say, you know, I love your podcast, maybe I should do a podcast, and I said well, you know, let us talk about it. And what happens is unless you -- unless you tell someone how it works, there is always this feeling like it is too much.

And I think what you are talking about too, let’s do a live event. I have never done live. Well, you would say to this person, well tell me how it works, you know, walk me through point by point, how would it work, how we get people in the room, how we would set up the room, how we charge, blah, blah, blah.

And then when you -- when you talk about how it works, it demystifies it.

So now it is not a vague, oh, I could never do that because I have not done it. Look at that list and say well, hell, I could do that in an afternoon, I mean, it is not that difficult. But if we do not go to how it works, then we are really letting our client or our partner down because the how it works is where it all happens isn’t it, I mean, it is not -- it is not the you know, I can think about having 500 people with $2000 each in a room but my mind first goes well I have never done that. I do not know how to do that, but if somebody were to come in and say, I am going to teach you how to do that in 30 minutes, I would probably say let’s do it.

So how it works is a good question or how would it work. If I were to do this, what would it look like, how would it work is a really good question to get out of the inner resistance and get in to the tactics of how you could make it happen.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah and you know, one of the things that I am implementing with my team once a quarter, I am going to get them together and we are going to do kind of what if day you know, what if this for the case, what if we did things like this, what if we shot for this revenue goal, what if we you know, just kind of like let your mind like nobody is ever -- there is no judgment, there is no like just kind of let your mind go.

Bill Caskey: Yeah, it’s good.

Jeremy Reeves: And you know, what if you know, what if we just, what if we triple the next 6 months you know, how would that look, how would we do that you know, what would we have to come out with, what would be have to you know, whatever or you know, what if we got you know, 10 more employees you know, in 2 months from now you know, whatever the case is.

Bill Caskey: I like that.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah and it kind of trains you and then if you with your team, number 1 you are teaching your team to kind of think bigger you know, which is always a good thing and then number 2, you are also kind of getting that validation from your team, you know what I mean. I think -- because I have done things like that in the past. What’s work the best for me is doing it like you know, because you are going to come up with things that are just completely off the wall and you have to make sure that you do the you know, here is what it would look like for every single one.

Bill Caskey: Exactly, exactly.

Jeremy Reeves: Because you can have something and it is like, okay, what if we quadruple next year you know, and then you are like, oh no, that cannot happen, you just pass up. Whereas if you say, well okay, how would we do that, okay well, you know, and let’s just say you are revenue, I do not know, just for simplicity sake, say a million dollars right, so you are making you know 80 grand a month. Well it is like okay, now then we have to make 320 grand a month you know, what if we charge -- what if we you know, did a $10,000 a month per client and we got 32 clients, okay, well how do you do that, where will we find them, what would we give them you know.

And so it kind of like makes it more real.

Bill Caskey: It does. That is exactly what it does. Hey, it is very inspiring for your team because so few companies do that were also rooted in the past and the present that were not looking for the future and when you start to do that with your team and everybody is going to recognize, cannot do it all, I would say you cannot do it all, but take the top 3 or 4 ideas, work through them. You know, you can get a lot done in 30 minutes, just work through it on the board and say okay, how would this happen and give yourself a time limit and by the end of 30 minutes, Dan Sullivan always talks about, he does a 5-minute filter, he puts his ideas through and he says, at the end of 5 minutes I am more excited then I will know it is something good. If it becomes a burden to me or if like I lose interest it is not worth it, and I will shove it and that is a good filter as well.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, I like that. By the way if anybody is not in strategic coach you definitely should be, it is incredible.

Bill Caskey: I am not, but I listen, I listen to everything that Sullivan does. I bought all of his books and he is a real stud. He has got a great mindset.

Jeremy Reeves: Yep, yep, absolutely. Alright, well you know, we covered a lot of stuff today and you know, we really got into a lot of the you know, like I mean which we kind of set out to do, the inner game and I think there was a lot of stuff talk about today that a lot of people do not really talk about you know, which is -- which is (inaudible 43:52.3) it was not like the same old stuff that you hear every day.

Bill Caskey: Well can I give you one more before we leave.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah. I was actually just going to ask you, you know, if there is one more thing you know, one more piece of advice, what would it be.

Bill Caskey: I think the -- the one more is that we talked here a lot about mentality and mental state and inner game and all that shifting that has to happen, but I think the essence of all this is that, you are responsible for your thinking. Your boss is not, your spouse is not, you are responsible for it.

So what you put into it is going to determine what you get out of it. So if you are struggling with detachment or you are struggling with you know, maybe your ego is out of control and you go into sales calls and you cannot stop talking, you have got to figure out how do I get my mind right and maybe it’s a morning exercises, maybe it’s meditation, maybe it’s additional reading, maybe it’s coaching, but you are responsible for your mental state and professionals in any business realized that your mentality is 90% of it.

So, and yet, we do not work on our mentality very much. We work on our tactics and our physicality not our mentality and that is so important. So my last piece of advice would be to recognize that it is up to you. Nobody else can feed you stuff. You have got to figure out, okay, I have got an attachment problem, what am I going to do about it. It is your responsibility.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah, I love that. It is a good way to bring it home. Alright, so before we hop off, why don’t you tell everybody where they can find out more about you, where they can follow you, where they can get in touch to work with you and you know, whatever you want to tell them.

Bill Caskey: I appreciate it Jeremy. Yeah, the best way to get a hold on me is go to it is my blog, there is a lot of free resources there. If you want to pick up a copy of this 2x principles were I go into a lot more detail about this 10 ideas, you can go to and pop in your email address and you will get a PDF that has about 4 or 5 pages that kind of goes through these things and give you some ideas on how to implement them to.

Jeremy Reeves: I love that, yeah, sounds good. As always, those links will be in the show notes.

Bill Caskey: I appreciate it.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, sure, so thanks for coming in today. I really appreciate it, I know I personally got a lot out of it and I know our audience does well. So I appreciate it you coming on and we will talk to you soon.

Bill Caskey: Okay, keep up the good work buddy.

Jeremy Reeves: Alright, thanks.

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