Tell Me Another Lie Podcast

Blurred Vision

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Happy Holidays and welcome to another Tell Me Another Lie podcast episode! This week, Ryann returned to NY to be with family and Just Jae continued to navigate dealing with the public. In this episode, Just Jae and Ryann talked about their 2020 Vision episode and the things they got right and so very wrong! As the year comes to a close, they discussed how they plan on moving forward in 2022.

From solidifying boundaries to fine-tuning positive self care, Just Jae and Ryann let it all out. What are you leaving in 2021? What are the positive things that you want to bring into 2022? Let’s talk about it!

As mentioned on the show, we want to give a shout-out to Jen and David for bringing us on their show Shootin’ The Ish With A Brit (originally aired on March 2nd, 2020). Click here to listen to the episode!

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Intro music by Chillhop:

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Tell Me Another Lie PodcastBy Just Jae & Ryann