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Bryce Andrews is a rancher, conservationist and author from Montana. He works with People and Carnivores, a non profit aimed to reconnect and restore carnivore populations in the Northern Rockies by working with the region’s people to prevent human-carnivore conflicts.
He just released his new book, Down from the Mountain, which tells the story of a grizzly bear named Millie: her life, death, and cubs, and what they reveal about the changing character of the American West.
Check out Bryce’s work:
Down from the Mountain: The Life and Death of a Grizzly Bear
Sources for topics discussed:
Carl Safina: http://carlsafina.org/
Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel: https://bit.ly/2a5AK61
How Wolves Change Rivers: https://bit.ly/1fpWu6C
Bryce’s first book ‘Badluck Way’: https://bit.ly/2IpWLQX
Pat Zentz: https://bit.ly/2UXdUrn
E. O. Wilson: https://bit.ly/2dn346Q
Half Earth Project: www.half-earthproject.org
Half Earth book: https://bit.ly/2mq1JSy
Vital Ground Foundation: https://www.vitalground.org/
Great Bear Foundation: http://greatbear.org
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC): https://www.nrdc.org/
Defenders of Wildlife: https://defenders.org/
A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold: https://bit.ly/2UKe0mZ
Of Wolves and Men by Barry Lopez: https://bit.ly/2v8sEoA
Grizzly Years by Doug Peacock: https://bit.ly/2UEl0Sj
The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey: https://bit.ly/2eioBwv
Full show notes @ https://bit.ly/2IGtgtP
3737 ratings
Bryce Andrews is a rancher, conservationist and author from Montana. He works with People and Carnivores, a non profit aimed to reconnect and restore carnivore populations in the Northern Rockies by working with the region’s people to prevent human-carnivore conflicts.
He just released his new book, Down from the Mountain, which tells the story of a grizzly bear named Millie: her life, death, and cubs, and what they reveal about the changing character of the American West.
Check out Bryce’s work:
Down from the Mountain: The Life and Death of a Grizzly Bear
Sources for topics discussed:
Carl Safina: http://carlsafina.org/
Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel: https://bit.ly/2a5AK61
How Wolves Change Rivers: https://bit.ly/1fpWu6C
Bryce’s first book ‘Badluck Way’: https://bit.ly/2IpWLQX
Pat Zentz: https://bit.ly/2UXdUrn
E. O. Wilson: https://bit.ly/2dn346Q
Half Earth Project: www.half-earthproject.org
Half Earth book: https://bit.ly/2mq1JSy
Vital Ground Foundation: https://www.vitalground.org/
Great Bear Foundation: http://greatbear.org
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC): https://www.nrdc.org/
Defenders of Wildlife: https://defenders.org/
A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold: https://bit.ly/2UKe0mZ
Of Wolves and Men by Barry Lopez: https://bit.ly/2v8sEoA
Grizzly Years by Doug Peacock: https://bit.ly/2UEl0Sj
The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey: https://bit.ly/2eioBwv
Full show notes @ https://bit.ly/2IGtgtP