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Guest: Michelle Miller
Company / Business name: MM FITNESS LLC
Michelle Miller is the founder and CEO of MyFirstWorkout.Com (MM Fitness LLC) and has been a personal trainer and group exercise instructor in Tallahassee Florida for 20 years working with people of all different ages and fitness levels. She is a wife and mother of two boys ages 6 and 20 and my passion is children’s fitness.Show Notes:01:19 minute mark:Agile entrepreneur takeaway: The gaps that you see in your own life could be the springboard for your own business.Michelle talks about her business which is about connecting children with their parents and caregivers with fitness via MyFrstWorkout.Com. She got the idea for her business while she was spending time with her fiver year old and when she checkout out competition, she couldn’t find any fitness products for children which are meaningful.04:49 minute mark:Agile entrepreneur takeaway: Your passion can show you different ways to build your business quickly.Michelle talks about how she was able to design, procure, and brand her business from concept to launch in 6 months. Given that her business is about physical products, it has taken little longer but she was still able to do in a relatively short timeframe. Her launch and promotion went very well. 07:52 minute mark:Agile entrepreneur takeaway: Expand your business into adjacent markets as opposed to finding totally new markets.Michelle explains how she expanded her business to be mobile where she takes the fitness (equipment and all) to her clients workplaces, homes 9if needed), and how that expanded her business. She also caters to special population, pregnant women, and people with surgeries etc.12:52 minute mark:Agile entrepreneur takeaway: If you believe in your idea, give your 100% so you don’t regret later.Michelle talks about how she used equity from their home to build her business. She also explains how she found her vendors in China. Michelle was serious about her business and invested $3,000 in getting the right domain and researched extensively on getting the right vendors.17:39 minute mark:Agile entrepreneur takeaway: Keep learning from your mistakes and make it a deliberate habit to journal so you can look back.Michelle talks about some of the challenges she faced. First is the additional cost she incurred in warehousing her products much earlier than needed. Second is that there is some stigma associated with kids and weight training and Michelle needed to help overcome some of that resistance by educating.21:29 minute mark:Agile entrepreneur takeaway: Pricing is a very important aspect of the business. Keep iterating.Michelle talks about the challenge of pricing her products right. She explains how she came up with a price based on how much competition is charging and how much more value her products are delivering over competition. She is still tweaking her pricing.