The Agile Entrepreneurship Podcast

Building an online timesheet & invoice software business

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Guest: William Roberts & John Holmes

Episode Transcript


Ramesh: Hello everyone. Welcome to one more episode of the agile entrepreneur video cast and podcast. And this is your host, Ramesh Dontha. Today, with the very first time I'm going to talk to two co-founders, John Holmes and Will Roberts. Both of them are co-founders and executive partners at It's an online timesheet software company. They have bootstrapped it built into a company that serves customers in what, 120 countries. That is phenomenal. All right guys, John and Will welcome.


Will: Thank you.


Ramesh: So, John, can you introduce the company please?


John: Sure. I'm a little bit about weworked, we started, weworked about nine years ago. My time may be off a year or so. It goes back pretty fast, but not years ago. When I started, weworked we both worked for small companies and weworked basically as a time sheet invoicing payroll/ leave tracking software that we developed with the focus of small business clients. And it's kind of morphed into something much bigger. But from the beginning, that was the initial focus.


Ramesh: Okay, great. So Will how about you, if you could introduce yourself and then the side of the business that you focus on as well?


Will: I am Will Roberts; I am a cofounder here at I've primarily focused on the technical support team, database architecture, database management and some marketing.


Ramesh: Fantastic. So all right guys, so welcome. And so let's talk about the nine years ago before, right. So that's when you guys started. And how did you decide to start a company? What were you guys doing before that? So let me start with Will. So what were you doing before you guys started


Will: I actually was, I had started my own consulting firm, I think back in maybe 2005. And I was, you know, pretty much serving as a contractor to the federal government.


Ramesh: I see. So John, how about you? What were you doing before that?


John: I was a software programmer for small businesses. And I did some government contracting work as well.


Ramesh: Okay. So then how did you guys meet up and then how did the thought of starting a company come, who started and then who followed up?


Will: Well, firstly we met on the job.


John: Yes, we both met probably back in 2000, 2001 we were both working for a smaller tech company that created software for the government on the department of transportation. And Will and I kicked it off right away from beginning. So years later after Will started his business and I was probably two jobs moved from where we met. I had reached out to Will regarding weworked. So its kind of, I kind of had the initial brainchild of it. I was out of work for a few months and sat around thinking about what I could do to kind of change the projection of you know,
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The Agile Entrepreneurship PodcastBy Ramesh Dontha

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