Navigating the healthcare system in America is so exhausting it could make you sick. The average wait to see a primary care doctor in Boston is 49 days. 49 days of being scared. 49 days of potentially getting even more ill. New technologies in the medical field like telemedicine have focused on increasing the number of patients doctors can see, and useful tools like minute clinics are popping up everywhere. These new solutions will help, but a new approach is needed considering our country is about 10,000 doctors short of optimal levels. Can we better help patients get the right care at the right time?
Buoy Health aims to be the digital front door to your healthcare experience. A simple interface that feels like texting a doctor is actually, under the hood, artificial intelligence algorithms that sort and re-sort 30,000 potential questions for patients until 3 of a possible 1,700 diagnoses are suggested. Classic online symptom checkers, essentially decision tress, make the correct diagnosis 34% of the time. Andrew Le, MD, Co-Founder & CEO of Buoy Health, and his team have been able to more than double that accuracy rate.
Why did Andrew, a Harvard Medical School-trained physician, go against his family's advice to practice medicine and instead become a digital health entrepreneur? What drives him to make healthcare more approachable, efficient, and intelligent? Listen in to find out.
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