Real. Fun. Sports

Can Quilting Help DC Become The 51st State?

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There's been a lot of work done on DC Statehood. Where marching, petitioning, campaigning and Congressional hearings have all fallen short so far, could a grassroots group of quilters help stitch together support? 
"For many years the only voice women had in this country was their needle and thread."
Barbara Garlock founded Quilts4DC to build support across the country and inform that more than 700,000 fellow Americans don't have a say in Congress.  The initiative has sparked quilts from across the country and conversations among bipartisan members of the League of Women Voters.  In our conversation Barbara breaks down the idea and the potential of creating solid support among the 10 million quilters in the USA. 
Thanks to Yilin Zhang for joining the conversation!
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Real. Fun. SportsBy Courtney Laughlin

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