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Do you suffer from blindness caused by glaucoma? Have you questioned what really causes hysterical blindness? Are you, or is someone you know, visually impaired due to a psychological disorder?
Leeann from California has been blind for thirteen years. While the doctors can not explain her sudden inability to see, she has always suspected that it was due to repressed anger and resentment. In this free podcast, Roy Masters explores how glaucoma and other symptoms of hysterical blindness can be emotionally caused. Though her doctor prescribed Prozac to help her deal with her emotions, she could not handle it as she began to “wake up” to what was causing all her hardship. Roy emphasizes, “the prevention is the cure.”
Find out how Leann is regaining her eyesight – listen to this podcast!
(Clip from episode: K3820)
This podcast is brought to you by the Foundation of Human Understanding: http://www.fhu.com
Quotes regarding glaucoma and hysterical blindness from books by Roy Masters:
“Hysterical deafness and blindness often precede pathological deafness and blindness; we psychologically refuse to see or hear so that we don't have to experience the translation of external pressure into internal pressure. But then blindness can occur from the transference of blood pressure to eye pressure, translating from one level to the other until it reaches the eye—or any other weak point in the body. Sometimes the genetic intelligence of the body will step in and sacrifice the eye to preserve the body.”
-How to Conquer Suffering Without Doctors
“The repetitious dwelling upon an idea produces a devolutionary progression to other problems. Physical symptoms soon manifest the effect of this growing error. Suppose we take fear and guilt and dwell upon them, trying to understand and solve them. In the process we develop more complicated symptoms. Compulsive “meditation” upon a problem is called worry, an activity that has been set into motion by frustration (being upset or angry). The problem-solving activity of the foolish ego is called worry. Blind worry adds impetus to the problem and often draws to us the very thing we fear. Nagging thoughts caused by our upsets can cause us to do the very thing we dread or detest, just to get it off our minds. But it does not succeed. We are only upset again when we discover that we have compounded our problem by taking the wrong action, and added, in the vain hope of relieving the feeling, more compulsive worry as a result of being upset over our newer blunders.”
-How Your Mind Can Keep You Well