This week, the Carolina Desis are in conversation with photographer Kripa Shah. A Desi, Charlotte native, and strong advocate for equality of all kinds, Kripa recently directed her photography skills towards shaping her passion project, Echoes of Equality. Inspired by personal experiences, Echoes of Equality aims to educate about equality in all its forms and its importance in society. We sat down with Kripa not only to discuss her project as a whole, but also to delve into the not-so-talked-about struggle for LGBTQ Equality within the South Asian community. Tune in to today's episode to learn more about Kripa, Equality, and the human right to be who you want to be. Learn more and get involved with Kripa's project, #echoesofequality Echoes of Equality: Find Kripa on social @kupppeee and her beautiful photography @therealkriptography! Follow @thecarolinadesi on social media to join the conversation.