The Bledsoe Show

Censorship is F'ing Retarded

11.15.2021 - By Mike BledsoePlay

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00:00.56 mikebledsoe That's how you already canceled you're bulletproof. 00:01.76 Max Shank It's okay I already canceled myself so well, it's like I found I was putting so much of my identity into this illusion that I had masterfully crafted. On the internet I was like the dark night of fitness I was professional I was like once in a while a little bit funny I used all the big fancy words and I only showed people the exact slice of my life I wanted them to see and I was really good at it too and then I was like man this is a. Probably probably not good long term like this whole this whole reality that we've created where people think oh, that's just that's just max all the time I'm just out there. You know going on vacations and lifting huge things all the time and it's not really.. It's not really very honest. So of course I think we all do to fit in I think that's kind of normal and the best friends you have are the ones you don't have to fake around and truthfully. 00:57.30 mikebledsoe Or you are censoring yourself. It sounds like. 01:15.83 Max Shank I don't really hang out with too many people that I have to um, fake it around which is why I say some horrible things that are also really funny like if you've ever played the game would you rather? that's a really, that's a really good 1 Are you played would you rather. 01:20.66 mikebledsoe Four. 01:30.62 mikebledsoe No. 01:34.00 Max Shank So here's it's a hypothetical game. So for example, would you rather have sex with a goat and have no 1 know about it or have a video of you having sex with a goat that's totally fake, but everyone thinks you did. 01:47.44 mikebledsoe Oh that's a good 1 Yeah ah I'm gonna censor myself on that 1 actually I'm I'm having a hard time because yeah I think I might be on the same page as you on that 1 Ah. 01:56.14 Max Shank I would have sex with the goat. 02:04.99 Max Shank Is because there's still such a social stigma against bestiality right now we're not really enlightened about that. 02:07.50 mikebledsoe Yeah, it's and. 02:13.34 mikebledsoe Ah, well, it's interesting. What you're discussing is self-censorship is ah I hear people say they want to be more Authentic. You know I talk to a lot of people who want to express themselves on the internet and because I think people witnessed me do it and then they're like how do you do it I Want to do it too. And and and I'm definitely somebody Who's who's got a history of censoring myself less So these days than and earlier. But I think people deep down they desire not needing a sensor sensor themselves. They they want to. They want to be widely accepted by everybody but they think that the only way that can happen and it's probably true. The only way you can be popular with everybody is to censor yourself depending on the audience you're talking to and the person you're talking to. 03:03.58 Max Shank It is the most important thing to fit in with the group that you're a part of to fit in with the tribe I mean little kids go Rob seven eleven s and murder people so they can be part of a gang people say things that they don't mean people lie I mean I was a kid once I used to lie. 03:16.69 mikebledsoe Yep. 03:22.26 mikebledsoe Oh yeah. 03:22.93 Max Shank Did you ever lie I was great at it I had like think I had like 50 grandparents die as far as teachers knew growing up. Oh I decided I didn't do my homework a grandparents diet or something like that you know like when your're kid and you find out that lying is a. 03:29.54 mikebledsoe Yeah, yeah, yeah. 03:42.50 Max Shank Like a ten second uncomfortable experience that can save you like weeks of trouble. Potentially it's it's natural that you would do it and if you're talking about how to like fit in better. Oh my god of course we all do that. 03:49.94 mikebledsoe Yeah. 03:57.67 mikebledsoe Yeah, but would you say that everyone on of about everyone. But I think that everyone gets to a point at some point in their life where they don't want to have to censor themselves anymore and I think that they. When they are at that point the language they use to describe what they desire is they want to be free I Want to be free to express myself and ah and what ends up happening is when someone starts exploring how much they want to express themselves. Find out that they're the only ones that are censoring themselves based on wanting to be accepted by the tribe and the likeability and so I've witnessed a lot of people including myself go through this process where a slowly saying fuck it I don't give a fuck What people think. I'm going to be more honest and then watching watching the polarization happen where some people get become more distant from me the more honest I am and other people getting a lot closer because of how honest I am and it's a it's a filter and it's and it's. 04:57.20 Max Shank And. 05:02.56 Max Shank Well, it's just filter. It's a good thing. It's like panning for gold. 05:09.20 mikebledsoe And it's really served me in a way where I experience my experience of my life is ah very enhanced. It's it's unreal at times. Um, and my sister she came to my birthday party a few weeks ago. And she got to witness my community and she was blown away. She didn't realize that people could be like that. But it really is a result of censoring myself less and attracting those people who and then giving permission to other people. Censor themselves less because I think you and I both say things that in. Probably me more publicly but say things that people turn their heads at and go well that's a crazy thing to say I've never heard anyone say that before or put it that way. Um, and I think I think it gives people permission to go oh if he can do it I can do it too. 05:58.42 Max Shank Totally and. Well and there's something to be said about a frictionless experience like if you're in a situation where I guess what I'm saying is it's easy to put other people at ease with the way that you communicate. Like you don't have to draw attention to things that are like if you see someone who's really overweight. You don't have to draw attention to their fatness. You don't have to just speak whatever you instinctually think so we're always choosing what to say as if. 06:32.71 mikebledsoe Um, yeah, it doesn't mean doesn't mean that. 06:40.10 Max Shank It's important or not important. 06:40.61 mikebledsoe Well I would say it's um, yeah, censorship is a form of filter but it's not the only version of Filter. There's There's the the filter of of ah of response you're being responsible with your words and how people receive them. And so it wouldn't behoove me to go out there and tell everybody exactly what I think and the way that I want to say it now. What I do is I say things say what I believe and what I think in a way in which I know it can be received because there's no point and if I'm just saying. You know if I'm just dropping the truth. Ah the way that I want to be heard and understood I'm just going to sound like a crazy person. 07:27.50 Max Shank Well, you just touched on something that I was thinking which is a good communicator doesn't just communicate the information as simply as possible. He considers who the audience is so it will resonate with them the best. So. 07:40.68 mikebledsoe A. 07:46.26 Max Shank The examples that you use or the language you use I mean you and I both understand the the power of communication and getting a resonant message if you and I were writing an exercise program. For 20 year old men or 50 year old women. The program itself might actually look the same but the way that we present that offer would be monumentally different or at least it should be monumentally different. So it's not just about. 08:18.78 mikebledsoe A. 08:23.98 Max Shank Oh I'm like speaking my truth. It's like well why are you talking at all unless you care about the message being received. 08:30.28 mikebledsoe Yeah, well that but that makes me think of like like ah it it it requiring you to have good communication to get your point across in a way that they can receive it is that is ah a good sense. That's good. Ah. Leadership. That's good communication to have good leadership. You have to have good communication and what I think we're witnessing in our society right now is um, it's laziness I see that that censorship when when censorship is being heavily used. It's ah it's a form of laziness. And it's also um, on that note, what we were just saying too is you have to fit it to your audience. So what ends up happening is the larger the audience the harder it is to be good at communicating with that audience. So we we take the United states of America and there's 3 hundred and fifty million people. You now have to create ah get to communicate the narrative in a way that that impacts all 3 hundred million people is that even lowest common and nomin and is that possible and so. 09:35.80 Max Shank Lowest common denominator. 09:42.63 mikebledsoe And then that's why I mean lowest common denominator is the exact reason why any time the average per we look at what's happening with Mainstream I go they're going right? What's left. They're going left. What's right? Okay, what's going on here because when there's being to the low and lower. Low is coming denominator if you want to be average. That's the that's the perfect advice to take that's the perfect information to consume and to believe if you want to be above average. You have to go the other way and that that can be very uncomfortable but to me I look at the difference between good leadership and and. And poor leadership is that ability to communicate effectively and I just see a lot of laziness and when people say do this because I said so is like okay, you just lost it. 10:29.41 Max Shank Well and the other side of that is that you could say it's not laziness. It's just efficiency because you have to trust like. For example, if I get a plumber over at my house. And I don't know anything about plumbing I have to trust that he's going to do a good job and there is an incentive for him to do good job and maybe there's a contract that says if the pipe explodes he's on the hook for it. So I don't blame people for seeking answers outside themselves because it is way more efficient. However, while it is more efficient. It is also so I think about it in terms of concentration of Power. So if you concentrate power into a single point you can get more penetration which means you can do things much faster like a dictatorship but the trick with concentration. Is. You also give leave yourself open to the fast track for concentration Camps. So it's It's ah it's just exactly so. 11:29.88 mikebledsoe Yeah,, but there's also single single points of Failure. So if you if you concentrate your supply chain and everything's going through 1 2 3 ports or something like that. It only takes 1 person to do something Dumb. And the entire population suffers. 11:51.40 Max Shank Investing is a good example too. You know you have your investment portfolio say you have a million dollars or something like that. Do you put equal amounts into 10 companies equal amounts into 1 hundred companies or do you put it all into 1 company and. If you put it all into 1 company and that 1 just happens to do the best you have made the most that you can possibly make. But if it goes to zero. You've also lost everything so it's a real. It's it's tricky with with concentration of power and I think that's really what this all comes back to. Thomas soul I always go back to because he said what we do is not important. It's who decides what we do who decides? what information should be censored and what information should not be censored and that's that's a worthwhile conversation to have um. I think when it comes to the overarching idea of what is the role of government I like the phrase. The role is not to protect people. It is to protect freedom from coercion. Essentially so we're trying to keep people free. To pursue happiness right? Life liberty and pursuit of happiness that doesn't mean you buy food for everybody. It means that you prevent stealing and coercion and fraud and things like that. 13:18.38 mikebledsoe I think I think it's referred to as negative rights is that the the government and ah you know most people in the world and and Americans are included in this unfortunately the assumption is that they have no rights and all rights are granted by the government and. 13:23.60 Max Shank Ah. 13:36.86 Max Shank It's just the opposite. 13:38.60 mikebledsoe And a place if you're looking at from perspective. What's called well I didn't even hear this term until recently and they go oh yeah, negative rights I go okay that actually makes sense and that is you have the right? you have the right to do anything you want as long as you don't impede on someone else's rights and. Ah, the government's there just to ensure that we don't trample over each other's shit and that means not inhibiting. Someone's pursuit of life liberty happiness upholding um ah property rights essentially so the government is it. It was it was there to protect you know in the very beginning. 14:11.97 Max Shank It's really all it's for. 14:16.80 mikebledsoe Started off with people that knew how to fight and had weapons would protect farmers and they made deals with the farmers so they wouldn't get robbed by these thieves and then they demanded you know a five percent of their rations and then of course that's now if you're an american that's up to 30 something percent. Um, are your rations for to pay for your protection. Um, so it's ah that the benefit that the government gets from from censorship but I see is it's ah just a maintenance of power. So if you're if your job. If you're that person that comes in and says I'm going to protect you and ah and then there becomes there's potential competition for protection then ah you know they've got to do whatever they can do to squash that because they don't they don't want competition for being able to. Ah, protect your property and your life. 15:11.39 Max Shank Right? So kind of tying it back into censorship which is the core discussion today. What are the advantages ofor censorship. How is it good for everybody. 15:23.52 mikebledsoe Yeah, so I went online and I did a search and so I found I found 8 that's right fucking? Well you know that's why I use. Ah, that's why I use a duck duck go. 15:30.23 Max Shank And and somebody chose what results that you were able to see from that search. 15:42.12 mikebledsoe With a vpn so I actually so I take steps personally to reduce how much censorship I'm experiencing from Google That's true. That's true. Yeah. 15:49.21 Max Shank Sometimes the results aren't as good though. That's the problem right now. Sometimes they aren't as good and I I try it with both because I do the same thing. 16:00.83 mikebledsoe Yeah I agree. Ah yeah, so these these are I'll go through the list. Ah 1 is hate speech censorship allows us to reduce hate speech number 2 is protect children which is the ah to me is the number 1 excuse for censorship that. Anytime censorships gets questioned. It's like the last stand you know when you used to? yeah we mean privacy. Oh yeah, yeah, but I think that people want privacy from the government. So. It's kind of like if they're the ones censoring that's people are more likely to. 16:21.90 Max Shank Or privacy. Yeah. 16:35.20 mikebledsoe Give their information to Facebook and they are to government. 16:35.28 Max Shank Oh but what I'm saying is if you convince everybody that it's for the sake of protecting kids from getting raped that they have to look through your phone every day then some people will be okay with that is pretty high level persuasion. It's always kids. 16:45.50 mikebledsoe Yeah, yeah, so yeah. 16:53.69 Max Shank Always you know, take away the guns cause of the children take away your privacy because of the children take away free speech because of the children won't somebody think of the children. There's a there's a sign in my neighborhood quick tangent that says drive like your kids live here. 17:01.42 mikebledsoe Right? I Wonder how the kids. 17:12.51 mikebledsoe Um, yeah. 17:12.68 Max Shank You know there is There's a road to speed limit sign. But there's this extra sign that someone has put out that says drive like your kids here and what I want to do is put up my own sign that says teach your kids. What a road is oh. 17:30.14 mikebledsoe Ah I. 17:30.83 Max Shank Like what like oh my god that's just ridiculous I understand the concept some helicopter Mom is like worry that their kid will run out in the street. But really if her little kid runs out in the street and it's it's too young to know the difference then she's a bad mom. And if it's old enough to know the difference but she doesn't communicate that then she's also a bad mom. So. Either way, it's that parent's fault just like if you see a fat kid. That's not the kid's faultest. Parent's fault 17:53.83 mikebledsoe Yeah, well. Yeah I want to get in I want to get in the who's who's responsible because I think responsibility is is a good way to ah segue this and into some some actionables by end of this show but I want to hit this the rest of this list so hate speech protect children. Reduce conflict in society which I'm not sure that's actually working ah security to a country's government. Actually what was what was on the internet was security. What was it. Ah. 18:41.54 mikebledsoe Ah, yeah to a country's profile censorship can provide another level of security to a country's profile. Um, which to me again, it's they're not trying to censor and that's basically censoring sensitive. Government documents from being exposed like a wikileaks type of conversation. So Um I I like to point out that a lot of people confuse. Ah your country with your government and these 2 things are separate um and it's interesting to run into a blog where they. And make that collapse distinction ipe. Oh yeah, what was it. 19:18.00 Max Shank Mark Twain had a quote about that a man should be loyal to his country all the time and loyal to his government when they deserve it. 19:28.79 mikebledsoe Yeah, beautiful Mark twain 1 of my favorite authors. Um I p I p for artists and inventors so intellectual property copyright so you can't rip off someone else's work. Ah. 19:32.53 Max Shank No, it's funny guy. 19:40.96 Max Shank And then. 19:45.53 mikebledsoe By the way I think I p the idea of I p is not that old I think it's about 1 hundred years old or something like that. Well at least the modern day I p um because we can copy shit now whereas before it wasn't an issue. Um. 19:50.38 Max Shank Are. 20:04.20 mikebledsoe Stop false content. That's 1 that's probably the most popular 1 that's out right now fake news ah improve quality of information. Basically they said improve ah their exact words for like. 20:07.30 Max Shank Fake news. 20:23.40 mikebledsoe Improve a person's knowledge that 1 kind of made me chuckle. Um and and reduce identity Theft. So All these things sound good at face value Hate speech. Protect children reduce conflict in society security to a country's government I P for artists inventors stop False Content. You want just break each 1 of these down. 20:46.80 Max Shank Sure we could I mean Hate Speech is funny because who who decides where's the line. 20:52.36 mikebledsoe Why I think when you jump right to the end max I think I think that um I mean all this all this comes down to who decides on all these topics is and just so you were saying about Thomas so so soul 21:01.16 Max Shank That's what I do. Um, yeah. Soul Oh My God He's the man you should watch ah the out never mind I'll tell you later it's He's good though. 21:11.96 mikebledsoe Haven't read a ship before I have to check it out. Ah so. 21:20.27 mikebledsoe Cool. Ah yeah, it's like who who decides and I think that ah people tend to treat people who are in office as some type of superior being that knows better than them. And I get talking to people about this and the way they talk about it I'm going Wow You really believe that there are people who I I understand there are these people who are experts but ah the people that you've decided to trust are just people who happen to be in office or were appointed by people who were in office. And're not necessarily. They're the best policy makers. They're the best at creating policy which is making rules for other people to follow, but they're not the best that really anything else. They're really good at control. Oh yeah. 22:06.66 Max Shank I Disagree I Disagree I think they I think you can either do good or you can do well and I think the people who can do well who can play the game who can be charismatic sociopaths who are hungry for more power and willing to distribute it. Are the ones who are in Charge. Definitely not the people who are best at making policies that are effective in improving. Oh well I mean yeah, that's. 22:31.36 mikebledsoe Well I'm not saying good policies I'm just saying ah the creation of policies is about control. 22:41.25 Max Shank True and what I'm saying is the people who hold those positions of power aren't even necessarily the ones who are writing those policies. It's just the ones who are the most power hungry who then hire like lawyers and there's lobbying and stuff like that. So when we ask. Who decides? That's 1 of the big problems mean lobbying is a crazy bad problem right? and we don't have time. We don't have time if I mean if you look at how that works you would. It's almost enough to blow your brains out and be like this is game over like how did this happen. 23:06.95 mikebledsoe Insane. 23:16.84 mikebledsoe Oh. 23:19.32 Max Shank But ah now as far as who decides it's always the people who are the most power hungryngry because by definition they're going to have the biggest incentive to get that power because if you're in that situation. It's painful to not have. That level of power and everything comes back from pain being the primary motivator hunger desire pain all Synonyms. So. It's no surprise that the biggest incentive actually is to maintain that authority and the other. Authority is basically just you must trust me Blindly and it goes back to our 2 common rhetorical fallacies or logical fallacies which are appeal to authority and ad homism attack and they're the 2 arguments. Totally disregard the argument and instead focus on the arguer and this is this is where we get into why it's efficient to just trust somebody else like hey doctor science you you make my health decisions for me. 24:19.55 mikebledsoe Yeah. 24:33.62 Max Shank Is load off my mind so much easier I can understand the desire to do that and it's also so much faster to just write somebody off Oh that guy that guy max he's fucking Crazy. Don't listen to him don't even listen to anything he says he's just a. Crazy Conspiracy Theorist Nut Job Jerk I don't know you get it. 24:57.35 mikebledsoe Yeah, amazing thing about ah I've also got a list of which I want to hit I started a list of basically overt and covert censorship and the the labeling of things is. 25:07.40 Max Shank Ah. 25:15.47 Max Shank Um, how about essential how about essential. 25:16.61 mikebledsoe Ah, very interesting right? Yeah yeah, it's yeah I'd say I'm putting down labeling as censorship I Hate speech. 25:34.25 Max Shank What about it? Ah no, it's not nice, but I don't know people basically will dig their own grave by being hateful. 25:35.72 mikebledsoe Is there anything wrong with it. 25:50.63 mikebledsoe Yeah, that's a very wise place to sit from what about for the fools out there. 25:58.30 Max Shank But for well I don't hate the fools I like fools. Um, once again I don't think there's a problem with ignorance. Nothing wrong with that I'm ignorant about most things arrogance which is like I know what's best for you. 26:00.49 mikebledsoe Um. 26:17.34 Max Shank Instead of I know what's best for me. That's rather problematic and yeah I don't understand the the need or even the definition of hate Speech like could I could I call you a homo but not a fag Just for example. 26:29.38 mikebledsoe Um, well, um, yeah. 26:36.69 Max Shank I like homos frankly I think they're a really exuberant bunch. It seems like they almost ah get a. It seems like they crack the code. You know what? I mean like they get like the mail. 26:50.90 mikebledsoe Oh yeah. 26:55.29 Max Shank Sexual energy. But they also get the feminine like exuberance and they seem a little bit more liberated like it seems like pretty fun Actually I'm not sexually attracted to dudes. But if I were I would have had it would be so easy. 27:03.58 mikebledsoe Yeah. 27:09.79 mikebledsoe You be so good at it. Yeah, so it's um, well I'm reading this book right now the cuddling of the american mind and 1 of the things they talk about is ah they talk about this view that that. 27:13.70 Max Shank And be such a good homo. 27:29.43 mikebledsoe Words are violence and that you know if you so yeah, yeah, well this is this is what's going on in up and they're looking specifically at colleges and academics in academic settings where people are being. 27:32.11 Max Shank Sounds like a collapse distinction. 27:46.61 mikebledsoe Are invited to come speak and then people basically come out and say that this person is causing violence because they're saying something that causes an emotional trigger inside of them so there is this. Ah, there's this thing where people believe that. Ah, how. 27:55.47 Max Shank Ah. 28:06.15 mikebledsoe How they interpret your intention is your intention you're doing this to hurt me. It's like well I'm just speaking words and and so people have have confused ah emotional pain with physical injury. 28:23.11 Max Shank I Think people should be forced to wrestle and do a little boxing growing up so they can understand the distinction between physical violence and I don't actually think that but there's definitely a common nominator in people I've met at least. 28:23.12 mikebledsoe These these are 2 different things. 28:42.00 Max Shank Those who have some experience with martial arts boxing Jujitsu Judo something like that seem to have a much more realistic perception of the world. They seem to have less of this. Fear based lashing out for things that other people just say there's a big difference. Well and don't didn't we like blame Grand Theft Auto for for violence or something like that. 29:04.90 mikebledsoe Yeah, cause they're they're more in touch with cause and effect. 29:18.68 mikebledsoe Oh yeah. 29:20.81 Max Shank Haven't heard about like the hooker murder epidemic that resulted from that probably still way more people die as a result of alcohol but we try to we try to Cherry pick these things and I don't know we're always like fighting each other for a new reason you know the whole. 29:28.49 mikebledsoe Yeah. 29:38.98 Max Shank Idea of hate speech is where do you draw the line like let people say what they want let people um self- select their friend group. You know if if you say ah you know anyone with red hair should be ah shunned from Society. That's that's your opinion. Probably you won't be really popular with red-haired people. But it's like who cares. 30:01.57 mikebledsoe yeah yeah I had this conversation. Um I've had this conversation with my girlfriend a couple times which is like you know she I I ah I'm a fan of freedom so much that sometimes hurt like she's like having to catch up with me. 30:18.33 Max Shank Her her. 30:18.79 mikebledsoe And understanding how how it works and you know and she goes Well, what do you think about like people being able to discriminate on you know who's allowed in their store or not or or ah should someone be able to get fired just because of you know their race and I'm like yeah. I mean people are suing companies for getting fired so but they don't really actually want to work there but you want to work for somebody who's racist but like I think these policies that put people together that would normally not get along. 30:45.10 Max Shank But I. 30:56.15 mikebledsoe Doesn't cause them to actually get along. It's basically forcing people to interact who would who would normally voluntary in voluntarily not interact which could be an argument for reduction in total violence if people just go look you guys are gonna stay over there because I have this worldview and I'm going to stay over here because I have this worldview. 30:56.47 Max Shank The. 31:15.89 mikebledsoe Then Ah, we'd have a lot more peace but I think that. 31:19.40 Max Shank It's like the chess club and the bat the baseball club don't really hang out. 31:21.27 mikebledsoe Right? And so like this this idea that like because that government caused segregation and then all of a sudden ah government becomes the cause for integration and it's in both cases it causes violence. And so I think if you just let people if the government was responsible for segregation which it was and then they just said you know what we're not going to cut no more rules around Segregation Society would a piece of peacefully integrated I believe a lot more quickly and peacefully. Then what we witnessed. Ah, it was extremely violent because it went it just swung from 1 side of the pendulum to another inside of this idea that the government is in ultimate control over who we interact with. 32:11.84 Max Shank Well, and ultimately you can't have a conditional statement for every eventuality back to the whole computer science thing of if this then this if this than this you would just have an even bigger. Book of rules and really the only thing we should be concerned with is coercion right? like it doesn't matter if um, you are a racist like think how hard it is to be a racist you got to carry that hate with you every day. Or or even worse just imagine if you were a pedophile that would be probably like the worst luck of the draw ever and as long as that person doesn't act on that. That's probably just like okay you know what I mean like even. In India for example and I'm just using this example because it's the 1 that is the most inflammatory but in India you have arranged marriage between 30 year old dudes and 12 year old girls all the time that's common practice. But this idea that. We should um basically like minority report people for what they say is problematic like if someone feels a certain way. That's not a crime if someone coerces another person then it is a crime and I think. Extending the jurisdiction. Beyond coercion is a real mistake and that's where you get this more like hive mind Mentality. You get an over concentration of power and no question. There are advantages. To a concentration of power but they're also extreme disadvantages just the same if you are going to put all your eggs in 1 Basket. You know I just remember this video of Mussolini giving a speech and he just raised his fists in the air and goes 1 country 1 decision and everyone's like. Yeah they're so excited that they don't have to make any decisions anymore because he's gonna do all that hard work for him and that is a natural sentiment. We. We want to get we want to get more for less. We don't want to do anything. It's very natural. So. 34:32.56 mikebledsoe Well I think I. 34:41.50 Max Shank We want to be as efficient as possible, but there's a huge cost to that you are putting yourself at risk of total loss rather than diversifying that power along all the people. That's why it's so important to vote with your dollars. 34:57.84 mikebledsoe Yeah, did you listen to that you listen to that rogan I don't listen to a lot of rogan but every once in a while something comes on my radar that that North korean woman. Did you listen that whole episode. Yeah, ah 1 of the things that really struck me with that was. 35:00.85 Max Shank It's an it's a self-correting. 35:08.69 Max Shank Um, yeah I did. 35:17.63 mikebledsoe And think we even talked about this now that I'm thinking about it is she said that when she was exposed to freedom. She had a hard time she if she there was too many choices. There are so many choices to make that within five minutes she had become physically fatigued and mentally for. 35:29.81 Max Shank Yeah. 35:37.53 mikebledsoe Fatigue from being exposed to choice because she didn't have any because Kim jong un was making all the decisions for her. Ah her entire life. So as a 13 year old is just oh what do you want to eat well how many options do I have oh a dozen. 35:45.14 Max Shank Right. 35:55.76 Max Shank What What do you want to watch on Tv tonight you can pick from any of these four hundred thousand view options. Yes to it's too many choices. So that's kind of that's the positive side of distributing those choices. 35:55.97 mikebledsoe Okay, this is this really got difficult. 36:01.89 mikebledsoe Oh my God I can't watch Tv because of that. 36:15.90 Max Shank Like part of the reason family units have often worked so well in the past is because you have what's called comparative advantage. You know the lady um will just alienate all the ladies now too. You know back in the day. The lady would take care of the house and. As a homeowner myself I think that's a super important job taking care of a house is is its own job. Especially if you have kids around women are naturally better at nesting and nurturing the guy goes out. He just focuses on 1 thing which is going. And bringing home the bacon whether he's a farmer or a hunter or ah, a businessman of some kind so divvying up the responsibilities based on ability is super beneficial. So it's natural that you would want to. Get the people who are best at what they do to do the job for you. 37:16.58 mikebledsoe Agreeing. Ah, one last note I want to make on the hate speech is 1 of the things that I've noticed is well yeah, um I think if you say something racist is is the number 1 thing. 37:21.91 Max Shank I Still don't even know what that means was it mean naughty words. 37:33.30 Max Shank Shut up Pinky Shut up pinky. 37:33.28 mikebledsoe Or homophobic or something like that. What's that? yeah so that what? um, well yeah, but well my ah my buddy danny who's from Wahaca he's mexican and they. 37:40.87 Max Shank Um, we're hardly white. Definitely definitely Pink. There. 37:53.17 mikebledsoe He's like I don't know why we're called colored people and you're white you guys change colors all the time you get red you get white. You get like you like you're always changing colors like I'm the same color all the time you're the colored people. Ah but the the thing that's made me. Ah, anytime. 38:01.53 Max Shank Like moon. Yeah. 38:12.60 mikebledsoe Somebody in the last couple of years you know racism has been such ah a prominent conversation in the last couple years is people go oh that person's racist and I go well why? and then ah ah, a lot. Ah a lot of times. There's not a specific instance. They just. 38:24.32 Max Shank It's an ad hom attack. So easy. 38:29.98 mikebledsoe It's become the common narrative that that person's racist and then they'll take words out of context for instance like Trump people say Trump's racist. 38:31.37 Max Shank Um, but the. Or how about any of the many things that I've said on this podcast. There are enough 5 to ten second clips on here that could have me pilloried. Ah. 38:43.51 mikebledsoe And so it's people will go Oh there's there's there's like plot for Trump For instance I'm not a Trump fan didn't vote for him. So ah, that makes me good. Well this is There's my caveat to the this my argument here. 38:53.72 Max Shank That makes you good to to most of the listeners. 39:02.65 mikebledsoe Which is I Also don't think he's racist I don't think he's so many of the things that the media made him out to be and ah and because he did a lot of things that if you look at it policy wise he did a lot of things for the black community if you look at it ah at black and white. On paper. He did more than Barack Obama did for the black community and yet he got painted a racist because who the fuck really knows why that that he was. He's unpopular amongst the elites. That's that's what makes me curious about that guy. Again I'm not a big fan I'm not a Q Andon Person. Ah and it has been interesting to watch people go really pro Trump as much as you know is when they I just feel like there's a big opportunity that was missed and that people are they just shift. Who they think should be the Authority instead of realizing that it's that the authority is ah is a artificial construct. But ah. 40:05.98 Max Shank It's. 40:11.45 Max Shank It's all a means of disqualifying the argument of the individual or hyperqualify hey you know trust Doctor science ah fuck this racist pedophile guy I mean if I ever. 40:17.11 mikebledsoe Oop. 40:22.54 mikebledsoe Um, yeah. 40:26.32 Max Shank Started if I was ever in a race for office I would never discuss the policy of my opponent I Would only say I can't believe that I have to run against such a racist pedophile with a dog fighting ring in his basement I Don't think the American people. Want to have a racist pedophile dog abuser in office am I right? people I would never I would never I would never talk about policy people don't care I would only attack the worst things this guy could do ever. 40:56.98 mikebledsoe Well I mean that this is what happened the narrative in the last election was the Democrats are pedophiles and the republicans are a racist. It's pretty much like that it was just if you really take a step back. You go? Oh yeah, that was. 41:07.92 Max Shank Um, it's just name. It's just name calling. Yeah. 41:16.80 mikebledsoe That was except the only thing was was it was alternative media that was pumping up the pedophilia conversation. It was mainstream media that was pumping up the racist conversation up. Yeah Abc Nbc cnn. 41:24.10 Max Shank Well, what's mainstream just the big the big names. What's funny if you look at the amount of actual viewers now and the amount of traffic people like Joe Rogan actually have way more. Ah. 41:39.25 mikebledsoe Joe Rogan has more gets more downloads than I think all the major news agencies have combined. 41:46.95 Max Shank Well I was talking to a good friend of mine and even he agrees because very mainstream guy you know watching all the different news stations and he's like you know Joe Rogan We agreed has just built up so much credibility because he has done so many hours and so many hours where. 42:06.62 mikebledsoe Um, no yeah I wouldn't want to fight the man. 42:06.69 Max Shank He's not arrogant and I mean maybe about fighting sometimes but he does know a lot about fighting too. No no, no, no, no, no, definitely not I Just mean about like knowing about styles of fighting like he knows so much and sometimes you're like oh really? okay. 42:20.21 mikebledsoe Right? right. 42:26.70 Max Shank But he doesn't Lie. He doesn't try to hide Anything. He's very open about everything so he's actually built up this crazy credibility and that's something super powerful and I'm sure he has some awareness. The clout that he has developed but that's got to be such a ah scary thing at the same time knowing Yeah, it's amazing I Hope he wins. Yeah yeah I Hope he wins. 42:44.50 mikebledsoe Oh I'm sure. Well you hear he's ah he's suing Cnn Yeah I Hope he gets a lot of money out of them. Yeah, but of course Cnn just has a budget for that kind of shit. So. 43:02.20 Max Shank Um, well it's probably being funded by our taxpayer dollars and money that is printed out of thin air I mean you look at the way that well you look at the way that. 43:09.48 mikebledsoe Well pharmaceutical companies I mean yeah, the money the money's going the money's going from them printing it off to the pharmaceutical companies to the news media. That's that's the line of information. That's how the information is flowing right now. And you can tell because Pfizer is fucking advertising like crazy I I can find a super clip where someone put together that super clip which is basically how much Pfizer is advertising on the news where people are going to get information about. 43:32.50 Max Shank I saw. 43:45.94 mikebledsoe How they're going to live their life basically ah and make decisions and what they believe and then everything is advertised. Do you think that if you were 1 a top Journalist for cnn is there any benefit to you ah talking negatively about vaccinations. That's right. 44:01.19 Max Shank Only if I want to lose my job mike. 44:05.87 mikebledsoe So it's sponsors in a way can be a form of censorship. So if say we say we took on a sponsor and this yeah. 44:14.60 Max Shank Of course flaming hot Cheetos get at us. 44:22.45 mikebledsoe We're never going to talk shit about Cheetos if that happens we're only going to talk about how many cheetahs we had over the weekend. How tasty they were. Oh yeah yeah. yeah 44:26.67 Max Shank We might even invent a fat loss diet based on flaming hot cheetos which would be easy to do I think you could eat a diet of like forty percent of your calories. From flaming hot cheetos and still lose weight as long as everything else was dialed in. 44:40.98 mikebledsoe But ah, something something just jumped into my my awareness here that the conversation we've had so far has actually been very dense even though you know you and I are just having fun but I can imagine somebody says hey you need to listen to this show. Check out this show on censorship that mike and Max did and when they're listening. They might if this is the first time they're exposed to this type of conversation could be getting overwhelmed and going oh shit I don't believe anything and I say that because I've I've been in conversations where before where I can. Watch people physically start to contort their body because they realize how much they don't know they they begin to yeah, they begin to realize and what ends up happening is like you can't unknow what you know ah at ah. 45:23.29 Max Shank Well, it's very uncomfortable. 45:33.67 Max Shank If you drink enough booze you can. 45:35.36 mikebledsoe For certain things. Yeah, it's true. But ah you you can't unknow this shit and people get uncomfortable because it it you begin to realize that 1 hundred percent of the responsibility is on your shoulders when you thought that it was on someone else's Shoulders. And that that responsibility is scary and when you take on the responsibility of developing your own Wisdom. It's a lot of work and going back to your efficiency thing. You know people are become very accustomed to a high amount of. Efficiency and um I mean some could blame capitalism for that and because there's this this level of comfort and not having to think and then all of a sudden we lay something out there. So I I bring that up because I want to acknowledge it for anyone who's listening and just say. You know it's okay, it's okay, you go fuck I don't know what to believe anymore. All the information is false. Um, yeah I mean just and I think that way you got to get to that point is understanding that most of what you think is a lie and yeah. 46:47.75 Max Shank I'll simplify it down if you if you don't mind. Yeah, it's I like to take things to the extremes I don't know if you've noticed that about me. But. 46:50.98 mikebledsoe Please. 46:56.53 mikebledsoe Yeah, I'm not accustomed to that type of lifestyle. 47:01.94 Max Shank You're you're more of a middle ground type of guy. Ah, okay, if you had to choose between believing everything you read and see and believing nothing you believe and see then it would be safer to believe nothing so it's safer to believe nothing. And you can be sure that there's always an intent behind every message that you see to persuasion just to get you to buy to try to cry to laugh. Whatever and my my personal it goes back to once again, computer science which is. So heavily logic based I so I still know like almost nothing about it but the concept of trust but verify and that verify is your responsibility.. It's always your responsibility to verify for yourself and you. 47:58.19 mikebledsoe Yeah, well well, there's there's been Ah, there's been a trick played on the common person and that ah ah, the fact, the fact, the fact checkers. The fact checkers. 48:10.15 Max Shank You can't possibly know. 48:16.16 mikebledsoe Are playing the role of verify people think they're verifying by doing a Google search and seeing fact check in the title and then go. 48:21.97 Max Shank No, no, it's your responsibility to verify. You're right though that is a trap. 48:26.72 mikebledsoe But people people think they are verifying when they do that because people will Google and they go well fact check I'm like really yeah. 48:32.20 Max Shank But that's just that's just trusting another guy like so whenever you're thinking about these things. It's best to try to reduce the number of parties involved. So for example, if there are 3 of us you me and some other guy. And some other guy says hey mike if you give me a hundred bucks now I'll give you a thousand next week and then you're like hu and let me verify that and you ask me and I'm like yeah you can trust him that's like basically the same thing it doesn't change anything right. So you have to keep it always does come back to that responsibility is upon the individual and if you take the responsibility which is your ability to respond also away from the individual then you are opening the door for totalitarianism which. There are advantages and disadvantages. You can move much further much faster I think china has gotten a lot more people out of poverty in the last twenty years than before under a form of totalitarianism. But. 49:46.29 mikebledsoe Ah, totalitarianism combined with capitalism. 49:48.28 Max Shank With that concentration right? That's very good point So we have capitalism combined with we have Crony capitalism. 49:57.96 mikebledsoe A. 49:59.32 Max Shank Unfortunately, which is where you're allowed to lobby and make rules that are not the same for everybody and all these backwards incentives. But my point is there are advantages to concentrating power and there are also huge disadvantages and if you blindly follow something you are opening the door. For a very small minority to call the shots for everybody and that's basically what slavery looks like and you might be a happy little slave but you're still not free or responsible for Yourself. You got to follow the money with all this stuff. That's the best. That's the best. 50:28.64 mikebledsoe Um, yeah, yeah. 50:37.20 Max Shank Paper trail or trail crumbs to find out. What's really going on is how's that money changing hands. And yeah, you know what? I've I've gone through a similar thing just back to what you're saying. It's it's super uncomfortable to realize that. Most of what you taught you were taught was a waste of time and most of the information that's been passed off as news has been flagrant lies with only the intention of making you more dependent and ah obedient. You know by Bye bye trust trust trust. 51:14.63 mikebledsoe But ah, 1 of the things you're talking about you've been talking about you know? Ah, it's trusting someone else creates efficiency but also leaves door open for abuse and 1 of the things that I tell people. 51:15.96 Max Shank Right? It's uncomfortable. But. 51:33.50 mikebledsoe When we start talking about where are you getting your information talking about the verify piece where are you getting your information while I'm getting it from this person. My great and you know say they're talking about something like a virus. It's like yeah I'm not a virologist you know I am not going to know a lot about that I would say that I know a lot about health. 51:35.31 Max Shank My. 51:52.30 Max Shank I would say so I'll verify that you know a lot about health fact I fact checked you? Yeah check mark. 51:52.90 mikebledsoe Which I think is really all you gotta know? Ah, yeah, thank you thank you listen to Max folks. He's smart guy. Yeah fact, check complete. So um, my my thing is when I start talking to people about who I listen to so. Yeah I I don't pretend like I've gone out and obtained all the knowledge and wisdom in the world. But what I do is I listen to wise people and ah and I qualify those people is what's the advice they've given over time which I think people have all our time. Even running that filter people don't really remember their their attention spans pretty fucking short. So what is their track record. That's my first thing when it comes to verifying is is what's their track record. Not not what pieces of paper. They've got not what credentials not what are not what are the letters behind their name. My question is. 52:33.20 Max Shank Everybody man 1 52:42.36 Max Shank Community not. 52:49.12 mikebledsoe What's their track record how sort of I'm listening to somebody about Health I Go What's their health like this is why I listen to Paul Check people go you know? Ah, ah you Know'm I'm gonna listen to this person or this person because they have these credentials and I go yeah but Paul check is is a. Great example of this. Not only has he mastered his own health The dude 60 years old and I'm pretty sure he can outlift me ah and he he ah he moves Well he has you know. 53:16.54 Max Shank Ah, well you you don't really prioritize lifting. But that's true. He could. 53:26.98 mikebledsoe Is sex life is vibrant from what I can tell the way he talks about it anyway. Ah the guy. Ah but all the Paul Trek fans are gonna laugh there. Ah but there. 53:30.98 Max Shank Um, I thought I thought you had participated never mind. 53:45.28 mikebledsoe I think we share a lot of the same audience. Um, but but he's got ah, he's got a track record of helping other people and he's mastered in himself and like who else am I who else has done that at 60 53:46.82 Max Shank I Think it's right What you're saying is right? It's about track record. 53:58.13 Max Shank So he walks the walk. He has a track record that you have seen develop over time and also the other thing that I would add to that is the incentive. 53:59.90 mikebledsoe You know Andy's older and he's got. He's got the wisdom on its side that time. 54:14.37 mikebledsoe A. 54:15.31 Max Shank What's the incentive. So when you're trying to um, decipher a new bit of information and part of it is just reducing the total bits. Otherwise you're going to be bombarded with a fire hose but who is to gain from what you're hearing that that is the number 1 question. So take everything else off the table who who gains from this message that you're hearing that is the number 1 thing is incentive and then because that's just about the argument and then the second part is consider the source. So that's where you start seeing. Okay well this person has led me led me the right way for a long time meanwhile the laundry list of lies and misinformation about health from these allegedly trusted entities. Is a mile long I mean how about eggs and it doesn't matter if the intentions are good even intentions. Good bad doesn't matter. It's more about what is the result of those things. So if if you're afraid of fruit because it's got too much sugar. 55:23.79 mikebledsoe What's the outcome does it this kind of goes in and I hate Speech this goes in the hate speech thing because like what people say what they do are different but this where outcome outcome is ah very important here. 55:29.84 Max Shank Yeah, of course like why would we? Well you know for Healthcare like why would we let the people making the decisions about Healthcare have a different plan than they agreed On. That's insanity. That's crazy. They so the people who create policy for Health. Don't use that same plan. Yeah, that's insane. That's insane like where is the Incentive. So. 55:50.00 mikebledsoe That can you repeat that. So the people Oh oh you talk about the medical care. Yeah. 56:06.42 Max Shank Incentive is the number 1 thing considering the source is probably the number 2 thing and then maybe the third thing is just an overall reduction in the amount of bits that you take in and this is tough because Dopamine is all about an external thing. You take in. You're like oh something something from out there to add in to my my self here and it takes you away from potentially creating really valuable projects and the the thing is you don't need to be. Plugged in all the time you don't need to be absorbing every new bit of misinformation out there. In fact, all it does mostly is distract you from what's really important in your life which is nurturing the relationships that you care about or nurturing the projects that you care about. And creating and expressing yourself in different ways and I I really like the simple idea of if you don't express you will feel depressed simple as that and it doesn't matter if you paint or play music or. 57:16.54 mikebledsoe If. 57:23.70 Max Shank Chat with a friend for a few hours or an hour. There are lots of ways to express yourself? Um, but if you're constantly seeking that the feed from outside you're going to become like mentally obese and it's going to be full of toxic bullshit. 57:42.60 mikebledsoe A a. 57:43.54 Max Shank Right? So just to recap its incentive source and then probably reduction would be like the third if I had to pick 3 57:52.27 mikebledsoe I like it. It's a good that's a good ah order to go in you'll you'll ah I think by just applying the first 2 you'll reduce the amount of people you're even looking at or piece information you're you're paying attention to. 58:04.66 Max Shank Oh yeah, people would say that I'm crazy for how little I trust anything I read or see but not nuds. It's true because. 58:12.44 mikebledsoe Um, well I I think that if you've ever gone through the process of questioning what you believe and what you think I think if you've never done that which most people have never sat there and analyzed their own thinking and gone is what I believe actually true. Once you believe once you have had the experience of realizing that most of your thoughts are complete bullshit then you should then understand that everyone else's thoughts are just they probably have the same amount of bullshit running around and most people are just expressing. They're bullshit all the time and the majority of what's flying around is just bullshit. There's very little truth very little truth in there. Totally unintentional. 58:53.92 Max Shank And it's not ah and and it's often not intentional. You know for a long time I I was told the knees should not cross the toes during a squat if you're bending over your back should not bend. 59:10.31 mikebledsoe Yeah, right? yeah. 59:12.36 Max Shank In fact, basically your back should never bend under load is this thing I believed and some people still believe that some people believe the exact opposite of that and and that's okay too. But oh yeah, oh yeah I mean. 59:21.88 mikebledsoe Have you seen this knees over toes guy on Instagram his shit is good and his whole his whole his whole the name of his Instagram is controversial and he's blowing up. It's good. 59:31.36 Max Shank I. Right? It's it's brilliant as brilliant marketing I think it looks mostly sound. Obviously it's not the way that I would approach overall health and fitness. But I think the message is overall good. Which is you're not fragile and it's good to bravely explore these ranges of motion. Um I got did I tell you about the third round monkeys third round monkey rule is perfect for this episode. 59:59.80 mikebledsoe Yeah. 01:00:07.35 mikebledsoe No. 01:00:12.70 Max Shank Its really short. It's not that short, but it's short enough. Yeah, sure. 01:00:13.14 mikebledsoe Do you want to you want to take this show an hour and a half by the typical hour because I I think we have might I've covered like half of what's in my fucking Notebook right now. 01:00:23.80 Max Shank Well, let's let's let it ride but here's an important thing to realize and it's about Mythology. So Third round I have all these that I try to organize stuff. So it's simpler to remember so I have this 1 called Third round monkeys which is about a scientific study. They did. With monkeys in a room with a ladder and a bowl of fruit at the top and so they had like 6 monkeys in there and 1 starts to go up for the fruit and the researchers immediately hose off all the Monkeys. With a fire hose all of them. Not just the 1 who climbed up for it and so then they all stop doing that so they're all just sitting around not going near the ladder because they know they'll get the hose and then they take out half the monkeys and replace them. With new monkeys. So now you have a combined group a and group b 1 of the new monkeys starts climbing up the ladder and 1 of the older ones are the all the older ones start beating it up because they know that if he does that they're all going to get the hose. So then once again, you have this group of like 6 monkeys or so doing nothing then they take away the first monkeys and they add in the third round monkeys same thing. 1 of the new monkeys. Sees a bowl of bananas or fruit or something up there starts going up the ladder and the second round monkeys beat him up mercilessly and so now you have like 6 monkeys not going near the fruit and none of them have seen the fire hose. They don't know why they don't know why they're beating. They're beating these new Monkeys. They just know that if you go up the ladder you get beaten and that's how a lot of information gets transmitted. It's just I was talking with ah my friend victoria. 01:02:31.56 mikebledsoe Bunch of hearsay. 01:02:34.98 Max Shank The other day and we were playing this game called ah fuck that last guy high five that last guy because so many things from the past are amazing. It's incredible and some things. We're just like oh fuck that guy that guy sucks like he really ruined it for everybody else and that's sort of how we have gotten to this point some things you blindly believe but we don't We don't really know why. 01:02:52.94 mikebledsoe E. 01:03:08.53 mikebledsoe Probably most things so lot lot has just been passed down. 01:03:15.45 Max Shank I'm kind of I'm becoming more and more and of of ah, an objectivist but there's a caveat to that because objectivism is like just believing what you can experience firsthand but I also believe there's obvious be way more than that. 01:03:25.25 mikebledsoe Yeah, but also. 01:03:32.18 Max Shank That is beyond my sensory perception. 01:03:33.54 mikebledsoe Well I think I think that the I would say this the way I'm very objective is the way I operate is is I I Really do my best to believe only what I can verify with my own senses and ah everything else. 01:03:52.70 Max Shank Yeah, that's tricky. 01:03:52.13 mikebledsoe Just take with a grain of salt which like maybe maybe and then also you know the way that I think you and I both live our lives is we have done enough reflection to create our ah philosophy and principles in which we live our lives and which means that. I don't have to know that much information you don't have to know that information to make good choices. Ah, and so for instance, the idea of what we see what we witness in nature is what happens anytime we isolate something. We isolate a cell from being able to talk to other cells in the human Body. What happens the cell starts to replicate in a way that causes cancer right? when it can't communicate with the other cells. Yeah it it dies but and and it's. 01:04:40.15 Max Shank Or it dies right? I mean depends on the environment. 01:04:46.35 mikebledsoe And it's attempt to live on it will replicate unhealth in an unhealthy way. Yeah, it'll die or it'll replicate in a cancer way right? has no direction right? It's not getting the right inputs. Um, what's a. 01:04:50.49 Max Shank Um, in in an in a way that is that has no direction. Basically it's like growth without direction bingo. 01:05:05.40 mikebledsoe But guy who described this. He's a really he used to work in cancer and now he he's ah he's 1 these really great docs to listen to. Ah, he's is my name maybe his name will pop into my head here in a minute but ah, ah, but when things are integrated when you integrate something like. A lot of what happens with health is how well things are integrated with each other and in systems support each other and everything is whether the cell or an organ or your joints if you so if you've studied health and you really recognize? oh. And you witness what are the results of isolation and what are this the results of of integration and then you watch that happen socially to what are the results of isolation and what are the results of integration and. Not force integration but just allowing things to integrate naturally. 01:05:58.30 Max Shank No system works in isolation is a phrase for health. 01:06:02.30 mikebledsoe Yeah, and so I don't need to understand all the details of how these people theoretically think this virus works by the way. It's all theory. The basis in which. The virologists are making decisions. It's based on a theory which is called Germ Theory ah that was the 1 Yeah. 01:06:21.75 Max Shank Ah, crap we're gonna get censored now fuck that was it that was the that was the 1 thing you're not allowed to talk about I said fag earlier we were probably gonna be okay with that. It's because those guys can take a joke. 01:06:33.90 mikebledsoe Ah, we definitelin? Yeah, so but ah, you know people people. It's 1 of those things I get in conversation with people I'm like why are you operating from germ theory or are you more familiar with terrain theory. And then people go I don't know what you're talking about I go oh well, do you believe that you know just being exposed to a germ is going to make you sick and like well yeah, that's that's what's happening they go. Okay, then then you're a germ theory person. You don't even know it and yet that's the postulate in which. All these arguments are being made from the idea of isolating yourself. Don't go outside wear a mask stay 6 feet apart. These are all isolated. This isolation makes sense inside of germ theory. But even the person who founded germ theory. Ah, with his name Louis pasture was 1 of the the people who really put germ theory on the map at the end of his life of saying I made a fucking mistake. You know he was the 1 that was in charge of pasteurizing milk. Best of intentions but seti made a mistake so you got this guy that everyone praises for for inventing pasteurization. 01:07:40.77 Max Shank With the best of intentions. 01:07:50.14 Max Shank Ah. 01:07:50.77 mikebledsoe We passed here and yet at the end of his life. He says don't do what I said earlier stay away from it and yet no 1 listens to that. so so um everybody governments medical boards. All these things bought into germ theory and ah. 01:07:56.64 Max Shank What how tricky. 01:08:09.80 mikebledsoe I go back to? Well, what's the result of our medical system operating from ah germ theory. Well what are we produced. We have record breaking Obesity diabetes cancer. We have record breaking all these sicknesses and mental health as well. There's a lot. 01:08:22.42 Max Shank Well, there are a lot of things involved in that right. 01:08:27.76 mikebledsoe There's a lot but it is the result of how things are and and 1 of them is the result of Germ theory. Yeah, and so going back to I've done a lot of philosophical thinking you've done a lot of philosophical philosophical Thinking. We're studying principles of things I don't have to understand. What type of spike protein is on this virus to understand that I do not want to isolate myself I do want to breathe a lot of different air I do want to get sunlight I do want to exercise I do want to. Um, improve my mental health which is gonna improve my physical health by being social and having community and um and it. 01:09:06.35 Max Shank And you're willing to take that risk yourself because that is what risk you feel comfortable with taking but the tricky thing is the false argument that. Following The narrative will be better than doing nothing and the trick is there's no way to test for that Now. Um, and everybody is arguing about like oh you know? Well Scandinavia did this and China did this and these people did this and you know Ultimately, if. You are not allowed to decide what risks you take? You're not free if you're not allowed to say no then you're not free and anytime it starts getting back into that um appeal to Authority or ad hom and an attack. It just opens the door for all kinds of evil shit to happen and we don't really know what the cost of this alleged solution will be and you know just to go back to the germ theory thing. There's a buckminster Fuller quote I like which is there's nothing in a caterpillar. That says it's going to be a butterfly. 01:10:27.35 Max Shank There's there's nothing in there. There's no, there's no clue that that is going to happen. Nothing would indicate that that but it does does happen over and over again and the same thing is true with an individual's health look. 01:10:35.10 mikebledsoe You know. 01:10:42.30 Max Shank We we start talking about the obesity thing right? Holy lord there are a lot of fat people is it their fault. No is it their responsibility. Yes, and that's a big distinction that also helps people overcome the shame because. Probably you don't know what their life is like you don't know what kind of trauma they've been through they probably had fat parents so in a certain sense. It's not their fault but it is their responsibility. Um, and I think that's the only way that you break a cycle right? If you look back with resentment. And blame you don't break the cycle. You just perpetuate that cycle. That's why all this like racism shit is so fucked because all it does is perpetuate the cycle and it only seeks to incentivize the ah. I'll just call them folks who who benefit from all of that kind of strife and disarray. You know the race-baiting type of people people whose career is to like cry racism people whose career is to cry sexism people whose career is to cry. Oh you know. Tax the rich, whatever it's like so ridiculous, but it just goes back to the importance of incentive. 01:12:02.92 mikebledsoe Yeah, it's great to look at that. Um, damn we didn't get very far in the list of talking about but I want to mention I think I think that what we've been. We've been addressing this topic from a very principle based. Perspective and so that list of that I I made earlier in the show I think that is all a lot of things we mentioned pretty much explain why it might you know. Those things are arguments against it but from more of a principle base without having to get into the details of each 1 because we just would use the same argument over and over for for most of these that we started with hate speech on but I want to talk about the different types of censorship because there's overt censorship and covert censorship. And so people who are experiencing censorship a lot of times don't realize they're experiencing it because there is not this organization called the propaganda machine that or the the censorship administration that is ah that is. Single source of information like it is in North korea and even those people don't realize because they don't know anything outside of that that they're being fed propaganda like they just yeah, how would you know? So um, yeah, not their fault and in the united states what we have. 01:13:20.54 Max Shank How would you know? no, it's not their fault. 01:13:31.39 mikebledsoe Is that what what I would say is a the illusion of freedom is largely at play and that you have access.. There's ah you have more options right? but your options always they they only fall inside of this this fairly narrow range ah and like people. People talk about you know they associate democracy and freedom I'm like democracy is better than communism. But it's not really that much better.. Ah yeah, a true democracy which we don't live in a true democracy. 01:13:59.22 Max Shank Democracy is majority rules right. 01:14:08.27 mikebledsoe Ah, we live in a Republic in the United states. But yeah, the the idea of a pure democracy is majority rules terrible terrible I mean if anyone wants to stand up for the minority. The that is democracy is the worst possible scenario for minorities. 01:14:12.90 Max Shank Ah, majority rules is a horrible idea. 01:14:24.98 Max Shank Of course it almost seems self-evident. 01:14:26.39 mikebledsoe Um, and yeah by by it's it. Yeah, oh trust me, it's not I've dropped that on people and they go what do you mean? Yeah, like well if you only you know I need fifty 1 percent to tell the other forty nine percent. What to do. 01:14:43.43 Max Shank Well I mean think of it this way if you live in a cul-de-sac with 2 other folks and they both vote to take your house. Do you have to give it to them like that's the kind of thing that we're talking about here that is insane and when you shrink it down to. 01:14:55.66 mikebledsoe Ah, yeah. 01:15:02.78 Max Shank Smaller groups like that. It's easier to understand what's really going on because so fuzzy. It's fuzzy. 01:15:04.45 mikebledsoe Well, yeah, when it gets when it's in that large group. It's people's people's ability to comprehend just goes out the fucking window. Plus they were taught at a young age that this is how it works and I guess believed it? Um, yeah, so we have overt and covert. Ah, 1 is ah is like I said sponsors having sponsors is ah can be ah, can create ah censorship. Another 1 is shadow banning which is something shadow banning came to my attention. Just a few years ago when it started happening to a few of my friends who are health advocates and they have had a long history of doing a lot of good for a lot of people and spreading a lot of good information about how to be healthy in regenerative farming and all these things. 01:15:43.69 Max Shank Um, and. 01:15:51.29 Max Shank On here. 01:15:56.50 mikebledsoe And all of a sudden they go from 30000 views in a month to a thousand and what happened was was the Google or whoever um, started shifting the algorithm to exclude them from being the top search results when people are trying to figure out how to be healthy. 01:15:59.69 Max Shank Yeah. 01:16:15.70 mikebledsoe And as you can imagine what ends up on the first page is a lot more traditional things that again, we go back to incentives. Wow there's a lot more things that are backed by pharmaceutical companies and yada yada yada and so like health line is is now a trusted source of medical advice. Versus you know, somebody who has you know and again and then it ends up being these these organizations that don't have a face to them. They're faceless organizations like who am I actually listening to here. Oh it's cnn who the fuck is cnn so um, the. Shadow banning is basically something that happens I'm sure there's a version of it. That's gone for a long time but in the age of information and and google searches and stuff like that. Um is basically these tech company using using algorithms to hide information and to. Highlight other information. So it's not 1 of those things where it's completely taken down. They're just and and all the algorithms are secret so you don't know how they work it's that's 1 way that these companies compete with each other but because there's no transparency about Algorithms. This is top secret information. There's no way to know that they are if you really do only rely on google searches to get your answers. You are being heavily heavily censored because they're choosing what you see and the information you take in forms your thoughts. And so if you're a person who fucking picks up your phone first thing in the morning and checks your email gmail is actually deciding what you what? you? What information you're seeing and you know there's little ads in there's little There's little things and it's not just your email that you see when you open up. Gmail. There's other things so on your phone I think it's a little bit cleaner but you you log online and wherever whatever you're opening pages so Facebook or Instagram is the first thing you check Instagram and facebook is deciding what you what your first thought of the day is. 01:18:21.40 Max Shank Well and they're deciding I mean I basically don't touch anything electronic for the first hour or 2 every morning depend or or later it just depends and I get out the. 01:18:23.70 mikebledsoe You think that's going to have an impact on the rest of your day and the rest of your thoughts up so fucking lootly. 01:18:32.97 mikebledsoe Same. 01:18:39.18 Max Shank Old school pen and paper here and it's very sneaky because it's not I don't think it started out sinister and probably it isn't even sinister because everyone thinks they're good. No 1 thinks they're the bad guy really. 01:18:40.28 mikebledsoe Um, if I yeah. 01:18:58.80 Max Shank So we have this phenomenon where Google Youtube for example, has built up such a monumental library so that everybody wants to go in there and it's still it's still their library. 01:19:13.00 mikebledsoe Want to. 01:19:18.70 Max Shank So in a certain sense. They can choose what they want to show on that library. What they want to highlight on that library. Um, but I mean it's it's kind of tricky if you are a. Takes you back to the responsibility of the individual you have to decide for yourself. What trough you are going to drink from basically like are you going to put all your eggs in that basket and you know personally that's um, that's why I just. I do self-censor because I know that the the risk is not worth the potential reward and it's important to own your customer list as well for that very reason I mean just like you mentioned there are people who have been had their businesses taken down by like ninety percent or even. Ah, hundred percent because they have said the wrong thing and it's legally it's very tricky because if you are. A platform does that mean you can edit things and if you edit things does that make you a publisher which means you're responsible for all of the content that is being published on that site. So it's very. It's very tricky legal thing. That's why I think the simpler way is just to have. Freedom of speech and let people um, choose what they want to choose um just from a business standpoint though I would say you have to control your customer list because you never know how things are going to change from a user stand from a user standpoint none of these. 01:20:53.26 mikebledsoe Yeah. 01:21:00.28 Max Shank Have your best interest at heart they only they only have 1 incentive which is to maximize your time using their service and they may have ulterior motives. Um, that are. 01:21:00.50 mikebledsoe What. 01:21:16.30 Max Shank Maybe like more sinister like gaining power or political backdoor dealings and stuff like that. So you just have to understand that reality like when I use youtube for example I have it a distraction free which means it takes away the comments and the. Suggested video bar so it just looks totally blank and there's just like a little search bar in the middle because I still I still use this 1 of the best resources around so you got to just take responsibility for once again, what's the incentive consider the source and. 01:21:40.72 mikebledsoe E ire. 01:21:53.76 Max Shank If there is 1 more message I would send out to our listeners. It's um, like you you don't know either to like tell people what they should say and shouldn't be able to say and you might feel really dumb later I I sure have. 01:22:04.79 mikebledsoe Yeah. 01:22:12.30 Max Shank Sure have I've told people things that I've found later to be completely wrong and I said them with such confidence that they believed me. 01:22:16.70 mikebledsoe Ah, ah, same same Another example that I I saw thing was this morning or or yesterday which was ah and I forget exactly who it is someone who's really well known they have wikipedia has a page on them. And they got a bunch of happy Birthday texts the other day. Ah because wikipedia got their birthday wrong and so a lot of you know, a lot of people think wikipedia is is you know 1 of the best sources of information because they work off donation which. I trust donation based organizations for information more than I am sponsored. However, they may be getting large donations that are sponsorships from people for 1 um, but also it's it's not infallible right? Ah wikipedia. Is is ah you know they've censored a bit and are ah in charge of shadow banning and things like that because most of the information on wikipedia is is ah created by the users. So similar to social media. But even. Even they get it wrong even though that's something that they would probably not intentionally try to get wrong. But even even that was wrong. 01:23:33.85 Max Shank Yeah, the path to hell is paved with good intentions and if you don't speak up. You'll be led like a lamb to slaughter I Thought that was a George Washington quote turns out that's actually biblical. 01:23:44.28 mikebledsoe Yeah, and ah, 1 the other. 01:23:52.82 mikebledsoe Ah, now. 01:23:53.60 Max Shank You know that it was way before it but see that's just the thing for a year literally until this morning I thought that was a george washington quote about about free speech but it actually is from from roughly 2000 years ago 01:23:59.58 mikebledsoe O. 01:24:08.73 mikebledsoe Yeah, yeah, yeah. 01:24:10.49 Max Shank And just for like rules of engagement. That's all we have folks, we can talk it out or we can fight it out that's amendment 1 amendment 2 That's that's the way we can sort out our differences so we can sort them out with language or we can sort them out. 01:24:22.79 mikebledsoe Yeah, have you. 01:24:29.27 Max Shank With so words or Swords basically. 01:24:31.34 mikebledsoe That's an interesting point. You know I've always thought you know the second amendment is there in case, the first amendment doesn't work out because are the words of ah Dave chappelle but the in while I was encouraging black people to go buy guns. Um. 01:24:35.82 Max Shank Per her. 01:24:48.20 mikebledsoe But what was I saying oh yeah, it's like if you take away Speech people will resort to violence because people do want to be able to express themselves and if you say I'm going to limit your ability to express yourself verbally It's only Goingnna heighten. Ah, and in 1 direction. There's only 1 direction to go from there. Ah. 01:25:07.35 Max Shank Do you think you'll talk more with a mask on or less with a mask on what no way same Huh What? I mean that was like in didn't they like usually um. 01:25:11.93 mikebledsoe Oh less. Yeah. Ah, oh man. 01:25:26.82 mikebledsoe I don't know yeah up I ah but when they first so when I was in California last summer 01:25:27.50 Max Shank Gag the slaves like that I think it's pretty important. You don't want them to like talk back. You don't want them getting any ideas about getting ideas. What I tell you about having ideas Year. 01:25:45.50 mikebledsoe And I first sat down started going back to restaurants. Yeah, after you know I think we were like Month 3 of the pandemic I started going back to restaurants and you know we wear a mask into the restaurant and then we sit down and we can take it off and the servers are wearing masks and it took me months. To stop feeling weird about me not wearing a mask and a server's wearing masks because my experience in that environment was that I was better than them I was having this experience of like I don't have to wear my mask you're but you're serving me, you're my servant and you you better fucking wear your mask and so like. 01:26:16.48 Max Shank Well. 01:26:21.74 mikebledsoe It in it and it went from like this like I usually engage with my server and we joke around and we're having a good time. That's usually how I do things and then when the mask came on that that went away like my I just kind of like they became a robot. It became this faceless person who is there just you know. 01:26:27.72 Max Shank Ah, fred. 01:26:33.42 Max Shank That. 01:26:41.73 mikebledsoe But my fucking food. So ah, um, wouldn say my attitude changed that way but I actually there was like ah I had an experience of guilt of just sitting there and then having that experience of separation and thinking I'm better I wasn't actually thinking I'm better than them. But I'm like I can see how this turns into that. 01:26:42.39 Max Shank Well and all of that was based. 01:26:58.43 Max Shank Well and it's funny because this whole premise was that it would be better but there was no proof that that was the case and so that actually brings me to a really important. Ah simple truth. Which is the way to determine if something is true is a true Premise. So in math. It would be like the assumption and a valid thought process so you have 2 pillars essentially so you can have a true premise. And an invalid thought process or you can have a false premise and a valid thought process which is both of those would still be wrong and so this whole idea that it will be and once again, you know like I'm not trying to say I know any different but all of the. 01:27:39.95 mikebledsoe It is. 01:27:54.62 Max Shank All of the weird rules that have come about like you you wear your mask to trot across the restaurant and then you sit down none of those are based on any kind of real valid thought process. Or a true premise. They just don't make sense. They're just very confusing and I'm sure part of that look I'm not trying to say they're like really sinister things at Bay here. But the reality is if someone has power. They only want more of it. They never want less of it. So. 01:28:27.59 mikebledsoe Yeah. 01:28:29.73 Max Shank So So it's just it's so tricky because I'm even in our talk about this I'm tiptoeing around what I might actually fully think is true partially because I'm not so confident in it myself. And partially because I want people to absorb and receive the overarching message rather than just immediately say like I'm a witch and I must be burned at the stake because if you say something that makes a person I mean. 01:29:00.73 mikebledsoe Yeah, yeah. 01:29:07.71 Max Shank Honestly, um, in england can I bum a fag means can I have a cigarette please. But if you say it here it means something totally different and there are some people listening to this maybe who heard the word fag and were just like oh my god that Max. I will never listen to another thing he says again and I feel sorry about that sometimes because I think there's a lot of stuff that you and I say that is extremely valuable basically magic for your body and mind and helping you. Find the real treasures in life like love and expression and creation and avoiding the traps like comparison and envy and greed and all these different things so that's that's part of why I self censor is because I do want to make sure that. Good stuff. Reaches people who might not be in the same place we're at yet where they recognize that you know sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me and I think that should be ah like the whole theme of this discussion. 01:30:19.86 mikebledsoe Yeah, yeah, ah I like you were saying about like I like to approach the conversation where I at least pretend that there. It's not a sinister person like you know bill gates. 01:30:23.24 Max Shank amendment 1 amendment 2 01:30:37.28 mikebledsoe You know, a lot of people want to paint him as this evil person who's you know, basically like a a comic book criminal or whatever and I think that that's a great way to lose people if you say oh,, there's this the illuminati is coming into people go. Okay, he's fucking crazy. Because I don't know if that's true or not like there's There's a lot of things that make me think there are evil Ah, there's an evil Axis of power that that is you know, creating the scenarios but I don't actually know that to be True. It would be an assumption that could be false So I don't like the lead with that and it's I think that. 01:31:07.13 Max Shank Ah. 01:31:16.23 mikebledsoe You're going to get a lot more people to listen you go look their intentions are good if you just say look I believe everybody's intention is good. You know you can't not for dead people not not those are just dead people. But. 01:31:23.72 Max Shank Hitler had good intentions. He was trying to end suffering. He was trying to unite people by the way I don't like hitler. No fan. Great speaker though. 01:31:35.98 mikebledsoe Yeah, not a fan. Ah but yeah, incredible. But it you know are people really really sinister why it's like when I talk about Hitler I go I go man he was ah a really great leader and people were like appalled by that and go well. How many does do you have more followers than him are he had the most he had a shitload of followers. He's a leader if if you're being Followed. You're a good leader. Are you a moral leader? No but he was good at the leadership thing. Ah anyways I like to say I like to say like ah. I try to stay away from talking about yeah trend setter but just got canceled ah but is it but I like you know like I like to approach these arguments from the conversation of look. Um. 01:32:12.64 Max Shank Also a very sharp dresser. 01:32:32.44 mikebledsoe I Believe their intentions are good even with good intentions. Let's look at the results and and that that takes away this like thing where people a lot of times want to they associate with some ah leader they associate their own identity with this leader and if you talk shit about the leader now you're talking shit about them. And people shut down in that conversation. So when I get in that conversation I go look you know you know Joe biden's a really good guy. He's doing his best job and you know there's nobody. You know, no shadow monster behind him pulling the strings. He really is an autonomous human being and. You know? Ah, but but you know he's kind of fucking up. They go oh well, you know what? yeah I believe he's a good guy and he's trying really hard. But yeah, he did fuck up Afghanistan's like okay, cool. We can agree on that. But if I talk about him being evil they completely shut down never hear anything I say and true dot and. 01:33:22.61 Max Shank The path to hell is paved with good intentions. 01:33:28.94 mikebledsoe Um, and people also tend to project their own intention on who they follow like I have good intentions and I like that guy so he probably has the same intentions that I do ah and and so this goes back to you know is it true or is it useful. So. 01:33:39.54 Max Shank Right. 01:33:47.81 mikebledsoe It may be true, but there's a lot of things we may we may filter ourselves on this show and even though it may sound like we don't We may filter ourselves on this show but that's because we are filtering ourselves in a way that we're attempting to be useful. We We want the conversation to be useful and true at the same time which means that we're not going to just divulge everything we think because we're smart enough to know that not all of our thoughts are true and we would. It's much better to have a conversation where I hope I cause max to think more. Critically I know that I have had to think more critically during the show and I I Hope that anyone who's listening has has thought more critically as a result of this and will view the world through a lens which empowers them more to to. Make better decisions for themselves which in turn makes better decisions for humanity as a whole. 01:34:47.39 Max Shank Yeah, we want you guys to be more free, not less and you know part of what I do is I help people abandon their goals for better ones. You know I realize that ah I often don't help people achieve their goals. 01:34:56.51 mikebledsoe A I like that. 01:35:04.92 Max Shank Ah, usually talk with them until they come up with better ones. No no, no, no, it's a great. It's a great thing. It's It's the best thing for you. It definitely it definitely sounds bad I'm I'm good. Ah. 01:35:07.87 mikebledsoe Don't don't don't tell people that you're gonna lose you're gonna lose clients. Ah I do I do I do the same thing. Yeah, you got to trick them. You got to trick and and go like I can help you reach your goal and then they start working with you and then you. 01:35:22.85 Max Shank Um, I'm gonna help you by convincing you to give up your dreams. No, it's because they're secondhand not necessarily. They're stupid. It's just you haven't really thought about like and then and then what happens I mean I know I didn't. 01:35:23.75 mikebledsoe Help them change your goals. 01:35:28.97 mikebledsoe Um, your dreams are stupid. Well they don't Yeah, they don't They're not their goals right. 01:35:42.68 Max Shank But like the reality is most of the things that we pursue are just so we create this illusion that we hope other people will like and. 01:35:49.73 mikebledsoe Well I think like most men they their goals are are set up to impress their dad until their dad's not around anymore that was true for me. Yeah yeah, well my dad got ladies I figure I can press my dad you know. 01:35:56.38 Max Shank I Thought it was too to impress a lady Also right. What if your dad doesn't get ladies though, Then What do you do. 01:36:06.84 mikebledsoe I Don't know man I don't know what that experience is like so um. 01:36:11.83 Max Shank Um, I think I think ah, it's important like that's just there are so many burdens that people carry and I know we could just keep going on about this all freaking day. But the the burdens of trying to impress upon other people. Or trying to impress other people is quite heavy. So if you can alleviate yourselves of the burden of like trying to know what's going on like you can't really know what's going on all the way through that's why this whole idea of like. 01:36:33.25 mikebledsoe Yeah. 01:36:48.18 Max Shank Trust science is so ridiculous because science is all about verification trusting the news. You shouldn't trust them either but look the reality is you don't have to what you can do instead is you can create value and share it with people who are interested. In reciprocating for that value you you don't even have to get involved in this Stuff you know that's why this whole principle-based thing that we're talking about is I think so crazy valuable because you you don't try to be an alpha. You just be an omega which is like the very bottom but it's also there's there's no, um, there's no like pressure there. You don't feel like you have to be a certain way. You just focus on. Making the best art that you can or creating the best value that you can or just doing your job and then being able to let go of that thing and I think that's going to give you a better result than getting stuck in like what is essentially name calling. 01:37:56.60 mikebledsoe Ah, well speaking of name calling there's there's 1 more couple more things I want to cover before we go and just because I want to cover in this show and I I have ah I have a hard stop in ten minutes but um you know another way, another form of censorship is changing definition which also. 01:38:04.89 Max Shank Um, laid on me I can go all day. 01:38:15.61 mikebledsoe Um, which also like falls in the same category with labeling changing the labels of things and or and and saying ah yeah, it. It just takes me down the path of of the book nineteen eighty four. 01:38:22.19 Max Shank Are. 01:38:33.55 Max Shank That's what I was thinking to. 01:38:34.77 mikebledsoe Yeah, because they they reduce the amount of words that are being used which we're witnessing in our in our society right now there's less lots of collapse distinctions which causes confusion which causes conflict when anytime there's confusion. There's conflict or ah. 01:38:41.82 Max Shank That's collapse distinction at its finest right. 01:38:53.80 mikebledsoe There's a lack of definition where we're max and are using the same word, but it means different things to each 1 of us and so that creates conflict um and any time there's conflict. It's easy to control people who are in conflict because they're focused on something that's not the person controlling. 01:39:04.62 Max Shank And. Right? They hate They hate the other guy with the different colored t-shirt instead of the kink. 01:39:11.26 mikebledsoe Um, um, yeah, and so this is this is why like? ah I don't know exactly why other people get a little flustered with the pronoun conversation but this is a good example of the labels and. And changing of definitions is there was a was a news I think it was a health line article that went up recently that basically said can men someone ask a question like can men get pregnant and the response was well first we have to look at the definition of a man. You know there's a lot of transgender and is like this is ridiculous. This is. 01:39:50.72 Max Shank Whoa Whoa Whoa I Think that's pretty hateful I think this conversation is so important I will not rest until we know what to call a man look I Know there's a lot of coercion and sex trafficking and just. Generalfuckery going on. But I think we should re-examine What the word man means that is the most important thing. 01:40:16.58 mikebledsoe Ah, case in point. very good. very good thank you for that I think that's all we gotta say about that but beware of changing definitions and then when things are labeled up in 1980 four a lot of things that they say it's this. It's actually that um I picked up a book on. 01:40:19.88 Max Shank That's fucking retarded. 01:40:35.79 mikebledsoe Anti-racism 1 day at the health food store had to thumb through it was 1 of the most racist things I had ever seen and so when you got you gotta to be Careful. You gotta you gotta step back. Take a breath look at these things from ah ah. Try to be objective when looking at these situations and are are we promoting segregation or we promoting integration and the final note I want to leave on I'm gonna let max close us up but all right I'll let you go with anti-racism and then and then I'll. 01:41:05.10 Max Shank I Want to say something about the the anti-racism. Just no, just real quick. It's real quick for every force. There's an equal and opposite Force War on drugs Total Disaster War on terror total disaster. 01:41:13.17 mikebledsoe Will these some final words correct. 01:41:22.70 Max Shank No, nothing is more nothing is brought more terror to the people of America than the american media the whole idea of being anti-racist is of course going to be racist because anytime you fight against 1 thing you're you're getting pushback from the other side. That's what I want to say so war on drugs war on terror. 01:41:37.19 mikebledsoe Yeah, so even if the intention is less racism being anti-racism being anti-racist is likely to create more racism. 01:41:41.48 Max Shank On racism. 01:41:48.15 Max Shank You could only be in favor of equal opportunity. Everything else would be wrong I think. 01:41:54.91 mikebledsoe I agree. Ah, final words from me look I when I look at censorship I really see a robbery of wisdom and what I mean by that is that. The only way that we accumulate Wisdom is to to test knowledge against reality to to put it into play and to get the result back and anytime anyone's controlling the knowledge that we can have access to they're controlling our ability to develop wisdom and so. What we're really sitting in right now is a wisdom crisis and it's the the answer to that is taking responsibility for the information you take in and being able to ah put it through the filter and ask good questions and. And try to be objective about what's going on and to stay away from some of these because you say rhetorical fallacies or if you're experiencing an emotional if you're having a ah strong emotional experience in your body when you hear things is being with that emotional experience. Recognizing as such and still being able to hear the information coming in these are these are ways in which you can take in better information and ah practice your own wisdom and develop your own wisdom. 01:43:19.20 Max Shank Yeah I would say who is to gain from what you're hearing that's number 1 consider the source number 2 and then just as an aside. Censorship may be done with good intentions. But the result is never positive and if you support censorship then that is just your ego transplanting into the ego of some authority. And you are essentially giving him your power and yeah, maybe her? Yeah guess ladies are pretty evil too. 01:43:57.60 mikebledsoe Or her or her well I think Hillary clinton's behind you know Biden if she's actually in control now I'm just kidding. Ah. 01:44:08.64 Max Shank Really I mean they both. They both seem so mentally sound. Ah I love how all all of the like smartest people in the in business are like ah. You know 30 to forty mostly and we are only choosing from like fucking 80 year olds for who runs the country I don't think they could even get a driver's license. Ah, but anyway the the whole idea is supporting. Censorship is really just supporting. Ah, unilateral authoritarianism so you are essentially um, putting everybody at the mercy of the few and without free speech. We will be led like lamb's to slaughter. So I think there's a reason. It's the first amendment there's reason it's the most important thing you know the main difference between a pig and a man is the fact that we can talk and we can only resolve our differences with talking or with violence physical violence real violence and I think. It behooves everybody to become adept in both verbal ah dialogue as well as physical violence. 01:45:31.38 mikebledsoe Ah, you sound like you're a a greek philosopher or something good shit match. Ah, where can people find you if they go looking. 01:45:42.45 Max Shank If you Google me I'm pretty much everywhere but maxshank dot com. 01:45:48.22 mikebledsoe Dope and you can find me on Instagram at my underscore blitzo feel bad just saying that I need ah I need a more conci I am working on my substack. 01:45:55.80 Max Shank I hear I hear it kills you on the inside when you say underscore every week I think I've thought about that so many times mike underscore blood. So just like fucking kill me. 01:46:07.73 mikebledsoe I Mean you have to hit the keyboard change button twice just to get there all y'all? Yeah so hard. All right. Love you to later. 01:46:14.70 Max Shank That's 2 keystrokes. Love you brother. Love you guys. Bye.

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