The People's History of Film

Chris James Thompson

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Hello dearest friends and welcome back to our continued journey! On this week's People's History of Film, Dalton sat down via internet magic to talk with filmmaker Chris James Thompson. Chris is the director of the true crime documentary The Jeffrey Dahmer Files. If you listener, like Dalton, have ever found yourself wondering what the director of a true crime documentary is like the answer is, "surprisingly easy to talk to." Dalton and Chris go in-depth talking about the production of The Jeffrey Dahmer Files, which debuted at SXSW in 2012. 

Also, there are tons of great stories in this episode; including, Chris sharing his experiences watching the film Juice with his brother, and Dalton, yet again, talking about his dad taking him to see Training Day. Chris was an incredibly warm presence and the conversation had a surprising number of laughs considering some of the subject matter covered. This is Chris James Thompson's history of film.

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The People's History of FilmBy GoodTrash Media