Claudia Wedepohl is the Archivist of the Warburg Institute. She has studied Art History and Italian Literature in Göttingen and Hamburg, concluding her studies with a doctoral thesis on the Cappella del Perdono and Tempietto delle Muse in the Ducal Palace of Urbino (published as a book in 2009). She joined the staff of the Warburg Institute in 2000. Since 2006 she is responsible for the Archive. Her academic work focusses on fifteenth-century Italian art and architecture, and art historiography around 1900. She has published widely on the genesis of Aby Warburg’s ideas and key terms, with a special interest in his concept of myth and mythology.
The conference Frances Yates: The Art of Memory was held on April 30, 2016 at the Rose Theatre, Kingston. Recorded by Anna Rajala and Timo Uotinen.
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