The Swirl Suite

Colleen Hardy of Living Roots

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Colleen Hardy, along with her husband Sebastian, founded Living Roots, a winery which melds the best of their hometowns in two different corners of the globe: the Finger Lakes of New York and the Adelaide Hills of South Australia. 

Colleen​ grew​ ​up​ ​in​​ ​Rochester,​ ​New York and has a degree in marketing from Michigan State University.​ ​Three years into a marketing research and analytics career in Chicago,​ ​she​ was keen to get into the wine industry in some capacity and landed ​a position​ ​as​ ​a​ ​cellar​ ​hand​ ​for​ ​the​ ​2014​ ​vintage​ in McLaren Vale, South Australia.

Seb and Colleen met soon after and Colleen stayed on in Australia, working for a small winery in a hybrid marketing, cellar door, and cellar hand role. The Hardys started Living Roots in 2016, and now split time between South Australia and New York, doing two harvests each year and experimenting with a wide range of varieties and styles that highlight the natural strengths of each region. Colleen wears many hats in the business, including spearheading the sales and marketing efforts for Living Roots.

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