Education Suspended

Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

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In our final episode of Season One we connect with Karynecia Conner. We explore the world of Urban Education and discuss how important it is to develop an appreciation for the dynamic wealth of knowledge students bring into the classroom. Karynecia shares with us different activities she uses when teaching teachers and challenges us to start becoming uncomfortable and acknowledge we are all on a learning curve.

Karynecia Conner, is a Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction candidate specializing in Urban Education and policy reform cognate at Baylor University. She is passionate about research and engaging preservice teachers in Culturally relevant pedagogy. Karynecia is the curricular designer of a preservice teacher education course entitled, social issues in education laboratory and a team lead of Instructors teaching the course.

Intro song: Poe's Row Young Bones

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Education SuspendedBy Intricate Roots

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