Weight Loss Nation

Conquer Your Fears by Sky Diving S3 Ep041

08.24.2018 - By Diane DanielsPlay

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Hey Weight Loss Nation! The Weight Loss Nation I have a GREAT FEAR of FLYING, Specifically...Being in SMALL PLANES!  Fear of FLYING in Aircraft is called -   AvioPhobia  while the Fear of Flying on “Air” is called AeroPhobia.  I have both! If you REALLY want to Lose Weight…..AND Keep it off FOREVER, You MUST Live a Long-Term Healthy Lifestyle. That includes – 1.     Eating Real Food 2.     Doing Physical Activity You ENJOY Doing 3.     Having a POSITIVE Mindset……which Includes….Loving          YOURSELF AND Your BODY…….Saying Positive          Affirmations……Hanging around POSITIVE people….Getting rid of the Noise & Crap in your Head……AND Conquering Your FEARS! Today.....I am concentrating on "Mindset." I decided to "conquer" my FEAR of Flying and being on a small plane...by SKYDIVING! I researched Sky Diving Companies in Florida, and I found that Jump Florida Skydiving had a "top notch" safety record! Safety is MY #1 Priority. I called Jump Florida Skydiving and scheduled my Jump! When you arrive at Jump Florida Skydiving, you sign in with Gabbi at the  Check In Counter. Then you read & sign Waivers……you must testify to your age & your weight. You must be 18 or older and you must be under 230 lbs. to sky dive as TANDEM. TANDEM means you are literally ATTACHED to a Jump Florida Skydiving Instructor, with harnesses. Next, you and your group of sky divers…. will be given about a ten minute instructional session, which goes over the process of the pre-board, on-board and skydiving process, with your TANDEM instructor. Now….it’s time for your Gear! One of the Jump Florida Sky Diving Instructors …..puts your skydiving harness on you. Then you are ASSIGNED your TANDEM Instructor. I was TANDEM with co-owner Tim Jones. When you visit the jumpfloridaskydiving.com website, you’ll see lots of pictures of Tim. He’s got personality! I had 6 words for Tim……”Your Wish Is At My Command.” Tim laughed and he went over final instructions and checked my gear AGAIN, before we headed over to the plane. I boarded the plane with 6 other Sky Diver’s in my group All with our TANDEM Instructors at our backs. During the ride up to the 14,000 altitude in the small plane, I started thinking about positive affirmations. It worked! I began to feel focused and was able to concentrate. Then it was my time to jump! Tim was in full control and I was able to "let go" and allow him to be in charge. It's pretty easy when you're attached to someone and you know they want to live as much as you do! The "Free Fall" is about 1 minute and 45 seconds.  That 1 minute and 45 seconds was TERRIFYING! It is when Tim pulled the "rip cord," and the parachute opened, that I suddenly felt....a "natural high."  You immediately slow down, there is a "mild" breeze and an obvious "calm" surrounding you. Very peaceful. I felt like I was "Flying." Tim went over my final instructions for landing and I slid in on the grass with a perfect landing! I can tell you that I can now get on a plane without having to take xanax. I can tell you that I can also get on a small plane without having heart palpatiations and anxiety. I can travel this way in the future. I still feel uncomfortable with heights, but I don't have a severe "fear" of it anymore. See what I mean!!!! Skydiving has helped me CONQUER my fear of flying!!! YOU can CONQUER your fears too! Go SKYDIVING! If you are in Florida, contact Jump Florida Skydiving go to the website or call them at 888 - 313 - 5867 to schedule your jump today! I LOVED Jump Florida Skydiving!  You will too! Here's Jump Florida Skydiving contact information: Jump Florida Skydiving 9002 Paul Buchmman Hwy                                                      Plant City, FL   33565 888 - 313 - 5867 According to the U.S. Parachute Association Website….The sport of skydiving continues to improve its safety record.  In 2017, USPA recorded 24 fatal skydiving accidents in the U.S. out of roughly 3.2 million jumps. That’s one fatality per 133,571 jumps—one of the lowest rates in the sport’s history! Tandem skydiving has an even better safety record, with one student fatality per 500,000 tandem jumps over the past decade. According to the National Safety Council, a person is much more likely to be killed getting struck by lightning or stung by a bee.   SAFETY is Jump Florida Skydiving’s #1 Priority! Which is WHY I choose to Sky Dive with Jump Florida Skydiving   Jump Florida Skydiving has an Excellent Safety Record & they are active members of the United States Parachute Association. The USPA have strict protocols for member’s Equipment and Drop Zones.   There are over 30 Sky Diving Companies in Florida. I found Only 18 of them who are Active Members of the USPA. Jump Florida Skydiving is one of the 18.   Jump Florida Skydiving also has a PRIVATE Airstrip & Landing Area, which means NO COMMERCIAL Aircraft in the area.     Go to the Jump Florida Skydiving Website for more information on Sky Diving. www.JumpFloridaSkydiving.com   They are open 7 days a week …..CLOSED on Christmas Day.   Jump Florida Skydiving is located at   9002 Paul Buchmman Hwy Plant City, FL  33565 888 -  313 – 5867 JUMP If you have EVER Thought About Sky Diving ……Then Do It! Don’t Let FEAR get in your Way! ONLY YOU can Describe YOUR Sky Diving Experience! I can tell you…..when you LAND…..you will experience a boost of CONFIDENCE….. USE THAT TIME to DO something AMAZING!   Thank you for listening Weight Loss Nation!   Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com If you are ready to "finally" lose weight and keep it off forever, you need to "join Weight Loss Nation." You know the adage....."It takes a village to raise a child." The concept is the same with weight loss! Would you rather continue "yo-yo dieting" by yourself and not be able to go out to a restaurant with friends, since you know you will "struggle" with food choices? Are you happy with losing weight only to gain it back again? Do you have too much "stress" in your life? I've said all of those things and I've had every excuse in the book on why I couldn't keep weight off. Or....... Would you like to be part of a "Village" of people, who are just like you and will be there to support you every single day in a private community? Weight loss Nation has a collaboration of experts in the fields of Nutrition, Mindset, Movement, Weight Loss, Yoga, Fitness, Meditation, Emotional Eating and Post Traumatic Stress! When you become a member of Weight Loss Nation, you have access to these experts to answer your questions! Weight Loss Nation Members* have access to recipes, cooking videos and exercise videos. Weight Loss Nation participates in “Meet Ups” in the Tampa Bay, Florida area. Our Private Facebook Forum is a "no judgement zone," where you can feel safe and comfortable in sharing your comments and feelings. So.....what are you waiting for? Go to www.TheWeightLossNation.com and take the life-long journey with me and finally lose the weight forever! Members* are Weight Loss Nation Pro Support and/or Lifetime Members https://goo.gl/aJrpZT    Nutrition Disclaimer These show notes are written and produced for informational purposes only. Statements within this site have neither been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration nor a health practitioner. This site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Content should not be considered a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. The reader assumes full responsibility for consulting a qualified health professional regarding health conditions or concerns, and before starting a new diet or health program. The writer(s) and publisher(s) of this site are not responsible for adverse reactions, effects, or consequences resulting from the use of any recipes or suggestions herein or procedures undertaken hereafter. This website, www.TheWeightLossNation.com, occasionally offers nutritional information for recipes contained on this site. This information is provided as a courtesy and should not be construed as a guarantee. This information is a product of online calculators such as MyFitnessPal.com, CalorieCount.com, Nutrifox.com, as well as from other sites.  Although TheWeightLossNation.com attempts to provide accurate nutritional information, these figures should be considered estimates. Varying factors such as product types or brands purchased, natural fluctuations in fresh produce, and the way ingredients are processed change the effective nutritional information in any given recipe.   Different online calculators provide different results depending on their own nutrition fact sources and algorithms. Furthermore, I am neither a chef nor a cook and I don't pretend to be. I'm also not great in Math! Under no circumstances will Weight Loss Nation LLC. be responsible for any loss or damage resulting for your reliance on nutritional information, or any other information from this site, or the www.TheWeightLossNation.com website. Information is offered as an opinion and information may not be accurate. Due your own due diligence and make your own conscious decisions.    

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