jon atack, family & friends

corruption in the US Family Courts with Dr Bandy Lee

04.27.2024 - By jon atack, family & friendsPlay

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Warning: This video discusses domestic

violence and severe child abuse,

including sexual abuse. Viewer discretion is advised.

Dr Bandy Lee is well-known for The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, which she edited. She has taught at Yale Schools of Medicine and Public Health, and Yale Law School, and more recently at both Harvard and Columbia. Bandy talks with Jon about her sister's dreadful experience in the Family Court and about the corruption that has become part of the establishment in the Family Courts. Dr Lee has an impeccable reputation, otherwise it would be impossible to believe the allegations she makes. The situation is nothing short of Kafkaesque. We should all do everything we can to protect children from the network of abuse that includes "reunification camps" and police seizure of children.


A short documentary on reunification camps

U.S. child murder data in relation to Family Courts are the highest in the world

Dr. Lee's own site on family courts:

The article Jon mentions, "Beware Family Court Doublethink and Newspeak", Medium

Ms. Magazine, Catherine Kassenoff Family Court Divorce

Dr. Lee on the podcast "Confronting the Family Court Crisis"

Dr. Lee's testimony to the NY state senate

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