Why They Hate You

COVID 19’s hidden benefits to an owner.

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Although I am known to be a negative person since kinder garden. Now that the world has been destroyed, the economy is collapsing and the chance of dying at the super market has increased about 10,000% I can’t help but find a few benefits to this whole crazy pandemic thing for business owners.

As always, different rules might apply to your country and your area, you should do any research before you follow any of my suggestions, infact I would go as far as to recommend you do not infact follow my advice! Try to sue me on that one!


This pandemic is going to “Clean up the forest.”

Despite what people who own beautiful expensive houses in the forest believe, fires in forests are actually normal and common, many species of plant only reproduce more effectively after a fire, something about pine cones or something I can’t really remember. You see the fire, although terrible, cleans up the area of the old brush, trees and leaves an open view of the sky for any new enterprising seedling that comes along.

Fortunes are going to be lost during this time, don’t get me wrong. But fortunes are also going to get made. Which one are you going to be? If you and your business surivive this whole pandemic thing, boy what a great place to be in. Maybe some of your competitors have gone out of business, that would be a great situation to be in.

What a great time to advertise to their former customers with a special introductory deal, buy up their old customer lists from your new desititute competitors, or even buy some of their products or equipment at bargain basement prices.

Maybe you are on the other side, you over extended yourself and you are looking at a tough time? I will write another blog for you shortly.


What a great time to expand your skillset, or your businesses offerings.

Nobody asked for this fantastic time off, except for maybe polticians who bungled the quarrtine and let their entire country be infected by this terrible life ending virus. (the sad part is, I don’t even have to be specific, almost all of them did it!)

But it is what it is, We now have a lot of free time to do things maybe we always wanted to do, but we have never got the chance to do until now.

Is there a new skillset you could learn to increase your business? I don’t know what you do. I am not very popular I guess and you don’t write very much anymore. But I bet there is something. What a great time to learn how to use QuickBooks or another business program, or maybe some web design? Or a better advertising course? Now is the time.

Turn off Netflix, that was so last month… close the door, and learn something! You will be glad you did I bet!


It is time to clean house.

I don’t mean actually cleaning your house, but maybe after a month or so stuck at home it could use it! Every business gets some employees, products or systems that.. Well how can I put this nicely… ?

A little “Long in the tooth?”

“Not as optimized as previous” ?

“Redundant” ?

If that isn’t good enough for you. Message me with whatever modern term people use these days. If nobody buys the fish sandwitch, if you have an employee who doesn’t pull their weight on the best days, if your computer is older then dirt, It’s a good time to replace them, or remove them from your business.

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Why They Hate YouBy Why They Hate You