Stop & Give Me 20 Podcast

Craig Ballantyne- Working the Farm, The Myth of Work-Life Balance and Lunch with Epictetus

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“When it comes to work-life balance, It’s not a balance. That’s why people can’t find it. It’s actually called Work-Life Mastery. A balance implies that you’re going to have an equal weighting, and you’re not. As an entrepreneur you’re not going to have an equal weighting…you’re going to have great sacrifice.”

“I love the Les Brown quote, "The graveyard is the richest place in the world because that’s where so many hopes and dreams have gone to the grave unfulfilled.” 

“Starting your day with a 15-90 minute block of deep work with no distractions is the best thing entrepreneurs can do to make everything else easier or better for your business. If you can get that victory early in the day, the rest of the day can go to heck in a hand basket.”

Craig Ballantyne, author of The Perfect Day Formula, creator of Turbulence Training and owner of

Connect with Craig on FacebookTwitter and Instagram



Thanks to MariGold Bars for sponsoring the "Stop & Give Me 5 Segment"
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Stop & Give Me 20 PodcastBy Anthony Renna, Fitness Education Content Provider