General chat
• Gunns ceases tree harvesting from old growth forests in Tasmania.
• Taking Photo Voltaics to the White House.
• Sustainable House Day.
Creature House Nature Books
This is a fantastic story about a young couple with a love of nature seeking to share this love through the Creature House Nature Book shop that they’ve just opened in Olinda. Brett Pemberton and his partner Hayley hope to educate and inspire with books, nature-kits and in-store adventure. Their shop is one with a difference. Hayley is trained in wildlife rehabilitation and they have government permission for in-shop wildlife enclosures. They want to give children and adults the opportunity for face to face contact with animals without having to go to a zoo. If people have a better understanding of nature then they might also have a vested interest in its preservation. If a customer walks away with an understanding of that then Brett and Hayley reckon they’ve done their job.
See the web site at
General chat
• Local news, transport, weeds, clean food advertising trend
• 0-13.05 General chat
• 13.05 – 31.19 Creature House Nature Books
• 32.19 – 43.32 General chat