
Curing Comparisonitis — Melissa Ambrosini

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In her new book, Comparisonitis, Melissa Ambrosini talks to Majo about the very common
disease of comparisonitis and offers actionable tips and strategies to heal yourself from it.

• What Melissa was like as a little girl; she was outgoing, bubbly, and confident.
• Melissa’s experience of being 12, losing her self-assurance, and comparing herself to other girls.
• Why Melissa loved competitive dancing and the freedom it gave her.
• How being involved in dance fed into Melissa’s self-doubt and “inner mean girl.”
• The story of how Melissa emerged from her substance abuse and an eating disorder.
• The catalytic moment in Melissa’s life that caused her to re-evaluate everything.
• Where comparison stems from, according to Melissa.
• Distinguishing between healthy comparison and toxic comparison.
• Why it is so important that we heal our relationship with comparison now.
• The difference between the way men and women compare themselves.
• How our childhoods and caregivers shape the way we view ourselves.
• Melissa’s ACES technique that you can use if you are in a comparison spiral.
• Dealing with the powerful emotion of envy and how we can transform it into inspiration.
• Melissa’s relationship with social media and how time blocking helps her.
• You have to find what works for you when it comes to developing a healthy relationship with social media.
• The amount of time the average person will spend on their phone and social media.
• Strategies Melissa shares in her book to help you rethink your relationship with social media and your phone.
• The value of having physical boundaries around where to use your phone.
• You have to remember that social media is just showing the best aspects of everyone’s life. • Why Melissa is reclaiming presence for herself.


Melissa Ambrosini - https://melissaambrosini.com/
Melissa Ambrosini - https://www.instagram.com/melissaambrosini/?hl=en
Melissa Ambrosini on YouTube -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoUydVMx0tYz4NU5bx8ifXQ
Melissa Ambrosini on Twitter - https://twitter.com/mel_ambrosini?lang=en
The Melissa Ambrosini Show - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-melissa-ambrosini-show/id1196106699
Comparisonitis - https://www.amazon.com/Comparisonitis-Comparing-Yourself-Others-Genuinely/dp/1950665860
Ignite - https://majo-molfino.mykajabi.com/ignite
Tony Robbins - https://www.tonyrobbins.com/
The Social Dilemma - https://www.netflix.com/title/81254224
Tristan Harris - https://www.tristanharris.com/
Gretchen Rubin - https://gretchenrubin.com/
Break the Good Girl Myth - https://majomolfino.com/book
Majo Molfino - https://majomolfino.com/
HEROINE (Podcast) - https://majomolfino.com/podcast
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