The Optimal Performance Guide

David Spiegel- The powerful tool of self hypnosis

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Hey guys we are back! First off thank you so much for all the support with the podcast! I really enjoy doing it so I’m so grateful to receive such positive feedback!
This week we have Dr. David Spiegel who is the Medical Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Stanford School of Medicine. David is a world re-noun psychiatrist with over 40 years of clinical and research experience so we are so lucky to have this time with him.
The main focus of this episode was to dive into hypnosis because David is a world leader in this domain and I feel like there is a big misconception around what exactly hypnosis is and what its about. So hopefully its more clear after listening to this episode. And I’m a big believer in specifically self-hypnosis…which is a tool that you can access at any time.. any place… to create profound changes in your state of being. You can specifically and consciously target habits you want to change, you can modulate pain in your body…there are so many ways to utilize this powerful tool that we discuss.
I hope that you guys enjoy this conversation as much as I did!
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The Optimal Performance GuideBy Rory Cordial

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